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In order to utilize a form created by Infopath for data-entry does every
user on a network need to have Infopath loaded on their PC.

What is the benefit to utilizing Info path vs Java, VB, or .Net for a
data-entry form tool?

Franck Dauché

Hi Keith,

Yes, your users would need InfoPath installed on their machine. The
alternative would be to buy a commercial viewer that provides some level of
data-entry support.
The advantage of IP is that you can quickly create an electronic form that
generates XML (with no code if the form behavior is simple).

Hope that it helps.


Franck Dauché


Hi Franck,

Thanks for the information

Are the following features of infopath still supported through a viewer that
allows dataentry?

1. Conditional formatting
2. Digital signature
3. Online off line use of form
4. Email connectivity (does infopath support Lotus notes email)

I am assuming that these features would not be available and would have to
be customized by developer using Java and XML

Please advise


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