InfoPath Newbie help!



Hi there! First off, let me warn you...I'm a Project Manager, not a
programmer, so my question is VERY basic in relation to the others on this
site, but I hope that someone can help me out.

I'm working on a project where I require individuals from offices across the
country to submit client information to me. Everyone is familiar with Word
and Excel, but when I recently came across InfoPath on my computer, I thought
I would give it a try, naively thinking that I could just email the template
out to everyone to use (as I would do with a Word or Excel file). After
trying (and failing) to email the template, I learned about "publishing"!

The problem is; I can't seem to publish this form anywhere! We do not have
a WAN, and when I had the item posted to our intranet, people received error
messages when trying to open the link (in addition, I had trouble sending the
file to our webmaster, since it kept trying to access my personal drive when
she opened the file).

Short-term, I'd like to be able to email this form to everyone, have them
open it, complete it, and email a completed form back to me. Longer term,
I'd like to figure out how to get this posted to our intranet for people to
download and use. Nobody in our firm knows this application, so I've been
trying to teach myself, reading anything that I can find on InfoPath.
Unfortunately, most of it is designed for people much more technical than I,
so it hasn't added much value.

Can anyone suggest how to solve this problem? What do I need our webmaster
to do to make the intranet link work?

Thanks in advance!

Adam Harding


I picked up Infopath from scratch 6 months ago and am no programmer so
should be able to help you.

Three things could be casuing the people to have errors on opening the form.
1) the users do not have office SP1 at least, or 2) your page on the
intranet you have published to requires rights to access it or 3) you do not
have WebDav installed on your intranet server.

If it is 3) then you can publsih the form to the UNC path NOT the web site
by publsihing to a shared folder and browsing to it. Let it appear on the
intranet that way. That is the way i publsih all my forms as our IIS servers
do not have WebDav or whatever it is called.

I hope this helps


Any further problems mail me on (e-mail address removed)

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