InfoPath Publishing - Best Practices?



I am new to InfoPath and to having to "publish" a template before it can be
used by others. I have a question about the best way to go about it. Up to
now, I have created templates in MS WORD that resided on my local (C) drive,
a copy of which I placed on a shared network drive for use by others. Now,
with InfoPath, I had planned to keep the same basic keep the
original template for a form on my local drive, then publish it to the shared
network drive. Here are a couple of points I'd like to check on to see if
they make sense:

1) If I update (minor tweaks) the template on my local drive, I see that it
includes these tweaks in the published file on the network drive, as well as
in all the forms folks have created from the network drive file. Is keeping
and updating the "original" template on my local drive and THEN publishing it
to the shared network drive for others to use, a good idea or should I always
just keep a single (my "original") file on the network shared drive and just
update it there? I like working off my local drive because it feels like it
gives me more control over the template since so many folks have access to
the network drive, but I might just be thinking of how I did it with WORD.

2) If I make major revisions to the template (which we usually do
annually), I would like to rename it as a new template and have everyone just
start using the new template, rather than continually (and sometimes
drastically) updating the old template. Make sense?

Thanks to everyone/anyone for you help!

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