Infopath resource kit for Visual Studio .NET 2005 beta


Rushi Desai


Is the Infopath team currently working on releasing a resource kit for
Whidbey betas? When will it be available?


Brian Teutsch [MSFT]

Yes, we have great news around Visual Studio 2005 (Whidbey). InfoPath 2003
managed code support is being updated for the CLR 2.0 framework, and will
ship as part of Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System.

I assume you're asking because you've seen that the current Toolkit is not
compatible with Whidbey betas.


Rushi Desai

That's good to hear. I was trying to get Infopath forms to submit to SQL
Server 2005 using managed code. Since I had .NET 2.0 and VS.NET 2005
installed on my box, I stumbled across the problem. The VSTO in the beta
currently doesn't have Infopath. And the Infopath toolkit doesn't install on

But I installed VS.NET 2003 and managed to post data to SQL Server 2005.
I'll be writing an article about integrating Infopath with SQL Server Service
Broker soon and I just wanted to confirm that you are continuing to support
managed code extension for the whidbey/yukon platform.


Brian Teutsch [MSFT]

All of your observations about compatibility are correct, as are your hopes
for the final versions of VSTO and the CLR. Thanks for checking!


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