InfoPath Security Problem? ... Limitation? ... LoopHole?


David Remillard

In brief, there's an infopath form with 3 sections. After the originator
fills in the first section, that section becomes read only (via infopath
magic). then it goes to a manager for comment and filling out second section
which then becomes read only. finally, the form is returned to the
originator who fills in the last section.

The question is how to secure the data while it's in the forms library. My
client noticed that it's possible for a user to open the XML version of the
form in the form library and even modify the sections that are read only in
infopath. We can narrow the exposure with changing permissions on the item
level but when it gets back to the originator, they need to update and
therefore could open the XML again and change the first section (which is
supposed to be off limits after initial submission).

Any thoughts? Is this scenario something that you've had to deal with before?

Barry Prentiss

You could use User Roles to determine write capability for individual
Then use User Role and Field Conditions to write protect section one after
section two is compete...
Just a thought.


Thanks for the reply Barry. I think you're talking about doing this
in Infopath, right? Actually, we already do it in infopath ... the
problem comes if a user tries to open the form in the form library
with a plain old XML editor. They could then search through the XML
and change the values in the first section even after it's closed from
an Infopath standpoint. This is a harder problem that I originally
thought. It doesn't seem that anyone has an answer.
Thanks, Dave.

Barry Prentiss

Yes, this is an InfoPath solution.
I'm not sure there is a way to prevent a user from opening any xml file
with any xml file editor.

Thanks for the reply Barry. I think you're talking about doing this
in Infopath, right? Actually, we already do it in infopath ... the
problem comes if a user tries to open the form in the form library
with a plain old XML editor. They could then search through the XML
and change the values in the first section even after it's closed from
an Infopath standpoint. This is a harder problem that I originally
thought. It doesn't seem that anyone has an answer.
Thanks, Dave.

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