InfoPath Views



In my application i have three views in first view i am having some controls
and and a button contol afte entering data and i click that button then i
will move to another view and the data should be carried from first view to
second view . i am unable to do that .


Clay Fox

Just copy and paste the controls from one view to the next or build the
second view and use the button action to switch views.


Thanks for ur response .I got that actually in my first view i have some
fields and i have a button control called Details in the row after clicking
that button i am swithing into next view .and in first view i have two rows
in repeting table if i will click any row then only that perticular row
details should come in second view but instead of that i am able to view all
the rows in repeating table.
i am trying through script code but it's not coming .Please send the reply
as soon as possible.

Clay Fox

I think you would want your repeating tabel but then you use conditional
formating to hide rows where ID or some value does not equal what was


Yes actually i am using one key field i am not using that field in that
repeting table just i am adding to group.and in script i am just accessing
that field
for exammple
var xmlKey=getNodeList("/Assets/asset/Key")
var counter=xmlkey.length;
function getNodeList(xpath)
return xdocument.DOM.selectNode(xpath);
return xpath;

like this i am accessing Key node .the problem is i am unable to access this
Key name it's returing null.and xmlkey.lengh is retuning zero.i am unable to
acces that key field path .

Plzzz give me reply as soon as possible.
Thanku madhuri

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