Infopath, Webservices,Ultimus & Full Trust



Hi friends,

we are automating all our processes with Infopath and Ultimus (workflow). We
are using infopath with SP1 to design forms, webservices to recieve and
submit data, and ultimus for workflow.

We have a form with 3 data connection. One data connection will retrieve
active directory info. for that user through a webservice and display in the
form which is working fine. Next one is a repeating table control with 6
columns.column one has a texbox which captures Empid and calls onAfterchange
code is as below

Public Sub EMPID_OnAfterChange(ByVal e As DataDOMEvent)
' Write code here to restore the global state.
If (e.IsUndoRedo) Then
' An undo or redo operation has occurred and the DOM is
End If
'Dim frmnodEmpID As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim frmnodEmpName As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim frmnodEmpCompany As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim frmnodEmpDept As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim frmnodEmpBranch As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim nodEmpId As IXMLDOMNode =
nodEmpId.text = e.Site.text
Dim nodEmpFirstName As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim nodEmpLastName As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim nodEmpCompany As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim nodEmpDept As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim nodEmpBranch As IXMLDOMNode =
If Not nodEmpFirstName Is Nothing And Not nodEmpCompany Is
Nothing And Not nodEmpDept Is Nothing And Not nodEmpBranch Is Nothing And
e.Site.text <> "" Then
frmnodEmpName.text = nodEmpFirstName.text
frmnodEmpCompany.text = nodEmpCompany.text
frmnodEmpDept.text = nodEmpDept.text
frmnodEmpBranch.text = nodEmpBranch.text
frmnodEmpName.text = ""
frmnodEmpCompany.text = ""
frmnodEmpDept.text = ""
frmnodEmpBranch.text = ""
thisXDocument.UI.Alert("Please Enter Valid Employee ID")
End If

Catch err As Exception
thisXDocument.UI.Alert(err.Message + vbCrLf + err.StackTrace)
End Try

End Sub

This code fills all the other columns based on the EMPID.

All our users have Infopath installed in their computers. I want to publish
this forms into a webserver so that they can access all the forms using URL.
Now i am publishing to a Shared folder.I am using Domain Security. The issue
is users are getting following error. In my computer it is working perfectly
with all the validations.

Form template: file:///\\gitpfs\git\HRPassportOnline.xsn
InfoPath cannot open the selected form because of an error in the form's code.
The Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is not installed on your computer or the
InfoPath primary interop assembly (PIA) is not registered. Use Add or Remove
Programs in Control Panel to make sure that Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is
installed or install it using Windows Update, then run Setup again to confirm
that .NET Programmability Support is installed, or contact your system

If I use FullyTrusted security, error is like this

Form template: file:///\\gitpfs\git\HRPassportOnline.xsn
The form template is trying to access files and settings on your computer.
InfoPath cannot grant access to these files and settings because the form
template is not fully trusted.

Anybody have experience with Infopath and Ultimus?

any help will be appreciated.



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