

Kevin Farley

I'm an experienced BizTalk guy working with BTS 2006, but this question is
really about InfoPath and submitting thru Web Services.

Here is what I have done, and it works with a minor annoyance concerning
Security Zones, which so far I can't get around:

1. Took an InfoPath sample, extracted the XSD and built an BizTalk
Orchestration project.

2. Published the Orchestration as a Web Service with Wrapped types.

3. Adjust the Data Connection on the InfoPath form to submit to the Web

a. InfoPath only correctly submits the Form when I select the parent node
for the Submit and "text only sub nodes" instead of the whole form and PI,

b. The form that gets submitted to BizTalk doesn't seem to match what is
required for the Form to pass the security zone checking. I simply cannot
open it in InfoPath due to the Zone warning (and I made it trusted Domain,
per the KB article).

c. I even followed the registry settings per

I know how to make Trusted Forms (only too well), but this seems really
problematic to get basic workflow going in a trusted environment (Intranet,
authentication, trusted zones in IE).

Can someone add some light to points a-c above?



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