

Olivier Demacon

Hello everyone,

Does anybody has experience using Infopath? and could you point me in
the right direction?


Olivier Demacon

Chris Schatte a écrit :
Oliver Demacon,
A good place to start is here:
If you google InfoPath, there are over 300,000 returns for further research.

Chris Schatte

use the Office Online web based newsreader here:
In Office System 2003 applications:
Help/Assistance Pane/open Communities

Thanks a lot for such a quick reply. I went to the sites, but if I may,
before I go further I looking to implement a solution for a client who
needs to provide his "traveling consultants" with "forms" (using Word
format models today)thant can be filled on the road, sent by email,
with data then used by a database, for generating reports and
statistics.(today the statics words reports can obviously not be used

Do you think infopath is the proper product?

Very best,


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