infopathproject in Visual Studio



Hi all,

When I open an infopathproject in Visual Studio and want to add some code to
a button on a InfoPath-form, like this:

Public Sub CTRL11_5_OnClick(ByVal e As DocActionEvent)
Dim ConnectionString As String =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\Ontwikkel\G\Ger\Nummers.mdb;"
Dim Conn1 As OleDbConnection = New
Dim Comm1 As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE
Opdrachtnummers SET Opdrachtnummer = Opdrachtnummer + 1")
End Sub

I got the following error:

Request failed.
at InfoPathProject4.InfoPathProject4.CTRL11_5_OnClick(DocActionEvent e)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath.SemiTrust._ButtonEventSink_SinkHelper.OnClick(DocActionEvent pEvent)

This happens on the dimensions of Conn1 and/or Comm1. What can be wrong ?
Help is appreciated.

Regards, Ger.

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