In the absence details and absence availability portion of the form, there
are (6) exsisting catagories of absence built into the form. When you select
a number of hours for the absence detail section it automatically adjust the
hours in the absence availabitly section. I want to modify one of the
catagory names and still have the form update. When I changed one of the
names it no longer reconizes the catagory and it will not do the updat. Any
suggestions as to how I can get this done?
are (6) exsisting catagories of absence built into the form. When you select
a number of hours for the absence detail section it automatically adjust the
hours in the absence availabitly section. I want to modify one of the
catagory names and still have the form update. When I changed one of the
names it no longer reconizes the catagory and it will not do the updat. Any
suggestions as to how I can get this done?