as I am rather new to the above mentioned spreadsheet contol and as I
am browsing the internet for quite some hours now to find a good
starting point of info, I would ask you, whether someone knows some
good links to grab some information from.
So far I placed an OWC spreadsheet control on my C# WinForm, I can
write some numbers in the cells, set the background colour and so on.
What is giving me a headache is to put a border around a cell / some
cells for example. Another problem is to clear the whole spreadsheet.
And so on ... so mainly basic stuff.
Any link or point of information is highly appreciated!
as I am rather new to the above mentioned spreadsheet contol and as I
am browsing the internet for quite some hours now to find a good
starting point of info, I would ask you, whether someone knows some
good links to grab some information from.
So far I placed an OWC spreadsheet control on my C# WinForm, I can
write some numbers in the cells, set the background colour and so on.
What is giving me a headache is to put a border around a cell / some
cells for example. Another problem is to clear the whole spreadsheet.
And so on ... so mainly basic stuff.
Any link or point of information is highly appreciated!