I recieve several Excel spreadsheets on a daily basis containing technical information, this information is then extracted from the spreadsheet and placed into a Word document. A seperate Word document gets created for each spreadsheet which is exactly what I want and the data that gets extracted from Excel always comes from the same cells.
I can use copy and paste special etc. in order to insert the information into the Word template however I have to do this each time.
1. As I am using a word template and the data in the spreadsheet will always be in the same cells is it possible to just update all of the 'paste special' links in one go, in order to point it at a different spreadsheet ?
2. When I use the 'paste special' function to paste text into word from merged cells (Formatted Text RTF and paste it as a link this is required), a tab gets inserted after the text for each of the merged cells. Is there any way around this ?
I can use copy and paste special etc. in order to insert the information into the Word template however I have to do this each time.
1. As I am using a word template and the data in the spreadsheet will always be in the same cells is it possible to just update all of the 'paste special' links in one go, in order to point it at a different spreadsheet ?
2. When I use the 'paste special' function to paste text into word from merged cells (Formatted Text RTF and paste it as a link this is required), a tab gets inserted after the text for each of the merged cells. Is there any way around this ?