Information Select


Jim Butler

How do I convert 10 years of notes from Information Select (InfoSelect by
Microlog) to One Note?

I literally have many thousands of entries, subdivided into roughly 20 large
wd2 data files used by Info Select. These data files are much like the
Notebooks in One Note, and they, in turn have Topics and notes or subnotes.

Josh Einstein

OneNote has an import API that you can use if you know how to write code (or
know someone who does) or you can print the files to OneNote individually
(only works on 32 bit operating systems). There's not likely going to be an
easy way to do an automatic conversion.

W. C. Trapper

Jim Butler said:
How do I convert 10 years of notes from Information Select (InfoSelect by
Microlog) to One Note?

I literally have many thousands of entries, subdivided into roughly 20 large
wd2 data files used by Info Select. These data files are much like the
Notebooks in One Note, and they, in turn have Topics and notes or subnotes.

W. C. Trapper

You might play with converting your IS Notes to a database in IS first. Try
it on a topic you're not afraid to mess up, and see. Let me know if it
works, because I'm facing the same thing when I switch over (as soon as the
trial is over; OneNote is much better than IS, I think...)

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