Inheriting Custom Properties



Is is possible to have a custom property of a shape change as a result of
some action performed on the shape. For instance If I have a custom property
such as "Location" and I move a shape from one page to another, can the
"Location" property be automatically updated to show the new location?

Mark Nelson [MS]

In this case you could put a formula in the custom property for PageName().
That way the property would always be equal to the name of the current page.
You have to use the Shapesheet to set this up. Also note that you cannot
change the property and have the shape jump to a new page.


Thank you Mark.
I didn't even know about the Shapesheet feature. This opens up a whole new
dimension for me.

David Parker

If you have VIsio Professional 2003, and try the Space Plan template, then
you will find that the Location property of Equipment, Furniture & Personnel
changes when you move them from one Space boundary to another.


Mark - have tried to do this with masters, but to no avail as the field
remains blank. same happens when i enter the formula into a shape, save it
as a master then subsequently drag it on. any suggestions?

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