Inhibit tick boxes

  • Thread starter TonyWilliams via
  • Start date

TonyWilliams via

I have a form with about 7 tick box controls. What can I do so that once one
box is ticked the others become inactive and a message pops up that says "You
can only tick one box at a time"

Would I be better using radio buttons?


BruceM via

It's not so much radio buttons as it is an option group. However, if you are
storing the seven values in seven different fields you will need to redo
things. With an option group you store a numeric value in a single field.
How you translate that into something with meaning to the user, or work with
the value in code or expressions, depends on the specific situation.

In direct answer to your question, you could write a function to disable all
but the selected check box, which you would call in the After Update event of
each check box and in the form's Current event, but you really don't want to
do that. For one thing, it would be very difficult for somebody to change
their mind and make a different selection. For another, for a new record at
least all of the options must be available. For another, if you add another
check box at some time it would mean another field, which could mean changing
queries and VBA code. It would be less work now and in the future to
implement the option group.

I don't know if it applies to this situation, but this article about not
using Yes/No fields to store preferences may be of interest:

TonyWilliams via

Thanks Bruce I'll have a look at that article.

It's not so much radio buttons as it is an option group. However, if you are
storing the seven values in seven different fields you will need to redo
things. With an option group you store a numeric value in a single field.
How you translate that into something with meaning to the user, or work with
the value in code or expressions, depends on the specific situation.

In direct answer to your question, you could write a function to disable all
but the selected check box, which you would call in the After Update event of
each check box and in the form's Current event, but you really don't want to
do that. For one thing, it would be very difficult for somebody to change
their mind and make a different selection. For another, for a new record at
least all of the options must be available. For another, if you add another
check box at some time it would mean another field, which could mean changing
queries and VBA code. It would be less work now and in the future to
implement the option group.

I don't know if it applies to this situation, but this article about not
using Yes/No fields to store preferences may be of interest:
I have a form with about 7 tick box controls. What can I do so that once one
box is ticked the others become inactive and a message pops up that says "You
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]

TonyWilliams via

I've has a look at Allen Browne's page and Think I understand the concept but
am struggling a bit in relating it to my situation as I don't think I have a
many to many relationship.

This is what I have:
I have a table which holds company details (tblcompany) with the company name
as txtcompany.

I have a table which holds all the details of financial deals for each
company (tblhighvalue). This table also has a field txtcompany which is
linked to tblcompany. I think it is a many to many relationship as there can
be many deals for each company. However each deal has a choice as to which
market sector it belongs. I have 7 seven market sectors and at the moment
have them as seperate fields with tick boxes on my form.

If I want to create an Option Group which would allow only one choice how
would I structure my tables?

Thanks for your help
It's not so much radio buttons as it is an option group. However, if you are
storing the seven values in seven different fields you will need to redo
things. With an option group you store a numeric value in a single field.
How you translate that into something with meaning to the user, or work with
the value in code or expressions, depends on the specific situation.

In direct answer to your question, you could write a function to disable all
but the selected check box, which you would call in the After Update event of
each check box and in the form's Current event, but you really don't want to
do that. For one thing, it would be very difficult for somebody to change
their mind and make a different selection. For another, for a new record at
least all of the options must be available. For another, if you add another
check box at some time it would mean another field, which could mean changing
queries and VBA code. It would be less work now and in the future to
implement the option group.

I don't know if it applies to this situation, but this article about not
using Yes/No fields to store preferences may be of interest:
I have a form with about 7 tick box controls. What can I do so that once one
box is ticked the others become inactive and a message pops up that says "You
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]

BruceM via

One company, many deals is a one-to-many relationship. Typically you would
use a numeric CompanyID field to identify the company, and therefore a
linking field of the same type. If CompanyID is Autonumber, the linking
field in the related table is Number (Long Integer). Names are subject to
change, which means you will need to update the related table when that

An example of many-to-many is Students and Courses. One Student may take
many Courses, and one Course may be attended by many Students. A third table
is needed to resolve the relationship. In your case, unless a deal may apply
to many companies you have a one-to-many as described in my first paragraph.

As I mentioned, an Option Group is bound to a numeric field. Each of the
option buttons (they can be radio buttons, toggle buttons, or check boxes)
has an Option Value (set on the Property Sheet for the control).

You could have a table for Market Sectors.

SectorID (numeric primary key, or PK)

Each sector is a separate record.

Best would be to create a simple form bound to tblSector (or a query based on
tblSector). As the Default Value property of the text box bound to SectorID:
=Nz(DMax("SectorID","tblSector"),0) + 1
This will number the records sequentially, starting with 1.

The Option Values of the option buttons are numbered to correspond to the
SectorID values in tblSector. Once that is done there are a number of ways
to display the corresponding Sector (text) value. For instance, in a text
box on the form, set the Control Source to:

=DLookup("Sector","tblSector","SectorID = " & [CoSectorID])

The above assumes the option group is bound to a field named CoSectorID.
CoSectorID is the field on the main form's table in which you are storing the
option group number (i.e. the Option Value from the selected option button).

A sample table setup for the main table would be:

CompanyID (autonumber PK)
CoSectorID (Number field - long integer)
Address, etc.

Note that you do not need fields for each of the market sectors. That value
is being stored as a number in CoSectorID. The DLookup expression above
finds the Sector (text) value from the tblSector record in which SectorID is
the same as the Option Group value.
I've has a look at Allen Browne's page and Think I understand the concept but
am struggling a bit in relating it to my situation as I don't think I have a
many to many relationship.

This is what I have:
I have a table which holds company details (tblcompany) with the company name
as txtcompany.

I have a table which holds all the details of financial deals for each
company (tblhighvalue). This table also has a field txtcompany which is
linked to tblcompany. I think it is a many to many relationship as there can
be many deals for each company. However each deal has a choice as to which
market sector it belongs. I have 7 seven market sectors and at the moment
have them as seperate fields with tick boxes on my form.

If I want to create an Option Group which would allow only one choice how
would I structure my tables?

Thanks for your help
It's not so much radio buttons as it is an option group. However, if you are
storing the seven values in seven different fields you will need to redo
[quoted text clipped - 21 lines]

TonyWilliams via

Thanks Bruce I'll work my way through that and come back if I have a problem.
One company, many deals is a one-to-many relationship. Typically you would
use a numeric CompanyID field to identify the company, and therefore a
linking field of the same type. If CompanyID is Autonumber, the linking
field in the related table is Number (Long Integer). Names are subject to
change, which means you will need to update the related table when that

An example of many-to-many is Students and Courses. One Student may take
many Courses, and one Course may be attended by many Students. A third table
is needed to resolve the relationship. In your case, unless a deal may apply
to many companies you have a one-to-many as described in my first paragraph.

As I mentioned, an Option Group is bound to a numeric field. Each of the
option buttons (they can be radio buttons, toggle buttons, or check boxes)
has an Option Value (set on the Property Sheet for the control).

You could have a table for Market Sectors.

SectorID (numeric primary key, or PK)

Each sector is a separate record.

Best would be to create a simple form bound to tblSector (or a query based on
tblSector). As the Default Value property of the text box bound to SectorID:
=Nz(DMax("SectorID","tblSector"),0) + 1
This will number the records sequentially, starting with 1.

The Option Values of the option buttons are numbered to correspond to the
SectorID values in tblSector. Once that is done there are a number of ways
to display the corresponding Sector (text) value. For instance, in a text
box on the form, set the Control Source to:

=DLookup("Sector","tblSector","SectorID = " & [CoSectorID])

The above assumes the option group is bound to a field named CoSectorID.
CoSectorID is the field on the main form's table in which you are storing the
option group number (i.e. the Option Value from the selected option button).

A sample table setup for the main table would be:

CompanyID (autonumber PK)
CoSectorID (Number field - long integer)
Address, etc.

Note that you do not need fields for each of the market sectors. That value
is being stored as a number in CoSectorID. The DLookup expression above
finds the Sector (text) value from the tblSector record in which SectorID is
the same as the Option Group value.
I've has a look at Allen Browne's page and Think I understand the concept but
am struggling a bit in relating it to my situation as I don't think I have a
[quoted text clipped - 22 lines]

John W. Vinson

I have a table which holds all the details of financial deals for each
company (tblhighvalue). This table also has a field txtcompany which is
linked to tblcompany. I think it is a many to many relationship as there can
be many deals for each company. However each deal has a choice as to which
market sector it belongs. I have 7 seven market sectors and at the moment
have them as seperate fields with tick boxes on my form.

If I want to create an Option Group which would allow only one choice how
would I structure my tables?

You should have a (seven row) table of MarketSectors. Your tblHighValue should
have a single integer field for MarketSector (not seven yes/no fields); you
could bind this field to an Option Group, a Listbox, or a Combo Box control,
whatever suits your needs - but you only need to store one numeric value into
your table.

Jeanette Cunningham

Better still would be to use an Option group - also called a frame.
This will give you the option of using checkboxes or radio buttons or some
other sort of button.
The great thing about the option group is that the user can only select one
choice at a time - you don't need any code to achieve this.

I don't know anything about your database, but if you have many yes/no
fields in that table, your design would benefit from eliminating most of
those yes/no fields.

If you are interested, post back.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

TonyWilliams via

Thanks Jeanette, I've created a new table as suggested and got an Option
Group working fine.
Thanks again

Jeanette said:
Better still would be to use an Option group - also called a frame.
This will give you the option of using checkboxes or radio buttons or some
other sort of button.
The great thing about the option group is that the user can only select one
choice at a time - you don't need any code to achieve this.

I don't know anything about your database, but if you have many yes/no
fields in that table, your design would benefit from eliminating most of
those yes/no fields.

If you are interested, post back.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
I have a form with about 7 tick box controls. What can I do so that once
[quoted text clipped - 6 lines]

TonyWilliams via

John That's what I've now created and used an Option Group.
Thanks for your input.
I have a table which holds all the details of financial deals for each
company (tblhighvalue). This table also has a field txtcompany which is
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
If I want to create an Option Group which would allow only one choice how
would I structure my tables?

You should have a (seven row) table of MarketSectors. Your tblHighValue should
have a single integer field for MarketSector (not seven yes/no fields); you
could bind this field to an Option Group, a Listbox, or a Combo Box control,
whatever suits your needs - but you only need to store one numeric value into
your table.


I usually post via AccessMonster, and am curious as to whether you can see my
posts. I posted a suggestion to use an option group, along with some detail
about how to set it up, some eight hours before your posting. Your posting
suggests that my posting was not available to you.

I really don't care one way or the other, but as I said I am curious about
the possible limitations of AccessMonster or any other newsreader. BTW, a
web-based newsreader is my only option from this location.

TonyWilliams via

Hi Bruce, yes I did get your post and replied. I did what you suggested and
created a table and used an Option group. I see your posts OK?
I usually post via AccessMonster, and am curious as to whether you can see my
posts. I posted a suggestion to use an option group, along with some detail
about how to set it up, some eight hours before your posting. Your posting
suggests that my posting was not available to you.

I really don't care one way or the other, but as I said I am curious about
the possible limitations of AccessMonster or any other newsreader. BTW, a
web-based newsreader is my only option from this location.
Better still would be to use an Option group - also called a frame.
This will give you the option of using checkboxes or radio buttons or some
[quoted text clipped - 22 lines]

BruceM via

Sorry, I wasn't clear that I was asking Jeanette. I saw your replies, so I
know you saw my posts.
Hi Bruce, yes I did get your post and replied. I did what you suggested and
created a table and used an Option group. I see your posts OK?
I usually post via AccessMonster, and am curious as to whether you can see my
posts. I posted a suggestion to use an option group, along with some detail
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]

John W. Vinson

Sorry, I wasn't clear that I was asking Jeanette. I saw your replies, so I
know you saw my posts.

Bruce, you're getting out on to the newsserver just fine.
There were a lot of us piling on in this thread...

Jeanette Cunningham

Bruce, I did not see your posts until now -about 24 hours later. I use
outlook express.
I am finding very often that after I reply to a post, others have also
replied and it is obvious that they didn't see my post.
Sometimes I find that the OP replies to my posted answer with a response
directed to another 'answerer' that does not show up in my outlook express -
then I realise that someone else must have answered but I can't see their
I am also finding several times in the last couple of weeks that my answers
don't ever show up on the disucssion group.
I also had the exprience of one of my posts showing up with a cross and a
line through it as if it was one of those posts that are deleted from the
server because they have content that is not allowed on our group.
I also find that other people answer posts that I have answered and there is
another question, but I can't answer straight away due to time differences
while I am asleep and others are awake.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

.Len B

Don't feel singled out Jeanette. I replied to OP in under an hour
and it still hasn't shown up.

remove nothing for valid email address.
| Bruce, I did not see your posts until now -about 24 hours later. I use
| outlook express.
| I am finding very often that after I reply to a post, others have also
| replied and it is obvious that they didn't see my post.
| Sometimes I find that the OP replies to my posted answer with a
| directed to another 'answerer' that does not show up in my outlook
express -
| then I realise that someone else must have answered but I can't see
| answer.
| I am also finding several times in the last couple of weeks that my
| don't ever show up on the disucssion group.
| I also had the exprience of one of my posts showing up with a cross and
| line through it as if it was one of those posts that are deleted from
| server because they have content that is not allowed on our group.
| I also find that other people answer posts that I have answered and
there is
| another question, but I can't answer straight away due to time
| while I am asleep and others are awake.
| Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
| | >I usually post via AccessMonster, and am curious as to whether you can
| >my
| > posts. I posted a suggestion to use an option group, along with some
| > detail
| > about how to set it up, some eight hours before your posting. Your
| > posting
| > suggests that my posting was not available to you.
| >
| > I really don't care one way or the other, but as I said I am curious
| > the possible limitations of AccessMonster or any other newsreader.
BTW, a
| > web-based newsreader is my only option from this location.
| >
| > "Jeanette Cunningham" wrote:
| >
| >> Better still would be to use an Option group - also called a frame.
| >> This will give you the option of using checkboxes or radio buttons
| >> some
| >> other sort of button.
| >> The great thing about the option group is that the user can only
| >> one
| >> choice at a time - you don't need any code to achieve this.
| >>
| >> I don't know anything about your database, but if you have many
| >> fields in that table, your design would benefit from eliminating
most of
| >> those yes/no fields.
| >>
| >> If you are interested, post back.
| >>
| >>
| >> Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >> | >> >I have a form with about 7 tick box controls. What can I do so that
| >> >one
| >> > box is ticked the others become inactive and a message pops up
| >> > says
| >> > "You
| >> > can only tick one box at a time"
| >> >
| >> > Would I be better using radio buttons?
| >> >
| >> > Thanks
| >> > Tony
| >> >
| >> > --
| >> > Why don't my grey cells communicate with each as fast as they used
| >> > I
| >> > hate
| >> > getting old!
| >> >
| >>
| >> >
| >> >
| >>
| >>
| >> .
| >>

BruceM via

No problem, just curious. Unfortunately I have to use a web-based newsreader.
What happens after I post is sometimes a bit of a mystery.

Jeanette said:
Bruce, I did not see your posts until now -about 24 hours later. I use
outlook express.
I am finding very often that after I reply to a post, others have also
replied and it is obvious that they didn't see my post.
Sometimes I find that the OP replies to my posted answer with a response
directed to another 'answerer' that does not show up in my outlook express -
then I realise that someone else must have answered but I can't see their
I am also finding several times in the last couple of weeks that my answers
don't ever show up on the disucssion group.
I also had the exprience of one of my posts showing up with a cross and a
line through it as if it was one of those posts that are deleted from the
server because they have content that is not allowed on our group.
I also find that other people answer posts that I have answered and there is
another question, but I can't answer straight away due to time differences
while I am asleep and others are awake.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
I usually post via AccessMonster, and am curious as to whether you can see
[quoted text clipped - 37 lines]

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