initial write of the notes field


Stephan Steiner


I'm trying to fill task notes based on Larry's description:

When I first write some notes in the Project Client, then save the project,
then I'm able to read out, edit and update the field via DB. If however, I
have a brand new task without any notes, and I fill the TASK_RTF_NOTES
field, when I open the project in the Project client, I see no notes, and
upon saving the TASK_RTF_NOTES field is reset from what I added to NULL

Is there any way to make project client display notes initially written into
the database? I guess the project client somehow figures out that it didn't
first write these notes and discards them again.. how can I make it believe
it was the one responsible for those notes? When using enterprise fields,
there's the PROJ_EXT_* fields that have to be set to 1 and which signal to
the project client that some external changes have been made (without
setting them, custom written EFs will not be taken into account).. so I
figure there has to be something similar but I can't find it in the DB
schema. Setting PROJ_EXT_EDITED to 1 and then starting the project client
does nothing.


Stephan Steiner

Have you set the EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA field in the MSP_Tasks tables?
No, I did not. Since it's a TEXT field, any idea what I should put in there?


Stephan Steiner


Isn't EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA only needed when creating a new task on my own? And
according to what I found via google, it would have to be set to '1' to
indicate this task was created externally.

I have found the solution to my problems though.. I forgot to set the
TASK_HAS_NOTES flag to 1 after adding the notes. Once I did that, my own
custom written notes show up in the project client.


Rod Gill

Project stores binary blobs in the database that it loads and uses by
default. Unless the EXT flag(s) are set, Project ignores any values in the
other fields for performance reasons.


Rod Gill
Project MVP

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