

Mark J

Does anyone know how I can use an expression (or other
means) to get the first initial in a field by using the
field entry of a full name.

For instance:

Name Field: James

Expr Field: J



Suggest that you store names in a tblPeople with fields:

1) PK
2) Title
3) FName
4) MName
5) LName
6) Suffix

Then combine these to form FullName in a query expression by concatenating
them -->

Expression follows:

FullName: [tblPeople]![Title]&" "&[tblPeople]![FName] ... etc.

Use IIF statements to reject nulls (missing items 2 > 5) and concatenate
only one space between each element of FullName.

Get this right and you'll be able to recycle the technique in almost every

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