Initiator View, Roles and problems


Adam Harding

No matter what usernames i use in which groups the form defaults to the
INITIATOR ROLE. Furthermore, my username which i have moved from the "owner"
role "to read-only" role can open the Owners view and is regarded as an owner
by the form if "Owner" Role is set as the initiator.

All i want is for the form to, on open, check what the username is, and see
which group it appears before deciding which view to open, but it does not

Anyone got any suggestions as i am at my wits end.

Cheers Adam

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Have you tried doing the following instead of using the "Set as initiator"

- Create your roles without "Set as initiator" checked
- Go to "Tools > Form Options"
- Click on the "Open and Save" tab
- Click on [Rules...] button
- Add a Rule that switches to one of the views in your form with a Condition
set on this rule that says: User's current role is equal to <FILL IN YOUR

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