Ink moving itself after losing focus

  • Thread starter Michael R. Brown
  • Start date

Michael R. Brown

I use OneNote intensively as a medical student to diagram various things like
nerve pathways and arteries. I have been using OneNote 2007 trial for more
than a month now and am having some big issues with OneNote moving the inking
in my drawings after I select another option (I'm assuming losing the focus
on that inking). Usually this happens when I ink a part of a diagram and
then go to select the lasso option so I can then move some of that inking.
It will then shift my ink (usually down and to the right) a centimeter or so
that I just added. The worst part of it all is that I cannot undo this as
the last undo option is adding the ink that gets shifted. I cannot tell you
how immensely frustrating this is as it has ruined several hours worth of
work before (yes I do back up, but you still lose the last hours worth of
stuff to go to the backup). I am hoping to get to the bottom of this or I am
going to have to stop using OneNote because the time and fustration I am
saving by using OneNote is being outweighed by this issue. Anyone else
experiencing similar problems????


Can you send us the problem file? And if you have screenshots of before and
after moves that'll be awesome.

-Lin (MS)


Michael, when you say you are using the "Trial" version, is this the trial of
the final version, or a beta? If Beta, the final version has fixes in it
that address ink moving. I can't say that we got all of them, but it should
be better.

-Alex <MS>

Michael R. Brown

Its the trial of the final version

Alex said:
Michael, when you say you are using the "Trial" version, is this the trial of
the final version, or a beta? If Beta, the final version has fixes in it
that address ink moving. I can't say that we got all of them, but it should
be better.

-Alex <MS>

Michael R. Brown

I don't know how you want me to send them to you so I just zipped two
examples and put them here

The first example is kind of a jumbled mess, but if you look at it you can
see where the lines have shifted down (it should look like a bunch of
branches on a tree).

The second example is more recent (yesterday) . I noticed later in the
afternoon that some text I had written that morning had shifted up. You have
to scroll down to the area I highlighted with a green highlighter. Notice
that only certain colors have moved up, whereas others have stayed put. You
can also see places where I underlined key words and those underlines are now
above all the words I underlined.

Various things I have tried to stop this:

Turned off switch auto between pen and selection tool. (So I can't
accidentally move something)
Disabled show note containers (they were getting in the way since I had so
much inking and so many note containers).
The right click button on my input pen is disabled.

This is all being used on a Toshiba Satellite R10 with Windows XP Tablet

The problem is the shifts are so subtle that I don't notice them till later
when I go back over my notes. My suspicions are that they occur when I add
additional inking to sections above or below the section that gets shifted as
I am reviewing my lectures and find key points I forgot to add to my

Thanks for your help in this.

-Michael Brown


I am experiencing the same movement of ink and subsequent frustration. If
you found a solution, please let me know. (I posted a similar question today
4-22-07 - search for "keep notes stable" and you can respond to this question
or your question).
To no avail, I have searched for settings in ON that will allow only one
container and, also to no avail, have perused the ON discussion group for any
solution. Also, I posted here a month or so ago, and to my knowledge, have
received no answer.
Thanks for any help.
Mike Stewart
PS If any MS staffer can help we'd appreciate it.

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