Inline Frame question...


Web master

Hello all,

I have a question regarding inline frames. I want to incorporate a portion
of another existing webpage onto a page that I am creating. I was curious
if anyone knew how to crop out a portion of the top of the page i have as
the inline frame; approximately 200 pixels. The page I am using as the
inline frame is not mine and has some programming in it so I can't save the
source and use it that way; it has to stay in tact and be used via the
inline frame feature. However, i don't want anyone to see the top 200
pixels of the page when it is in my inline frame.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thanks in advance,


Thomas A. Rowe

Since the page is not yours, you can therefore not change it's content.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Does anyone know if this is possible?

It would only be possible if you created the page anew with that 200px
cropped off. This sounds like slimy business to me....

Be aware that McAfee is not flagging sites that use IFrames that contain
"red flag" information. You might want to re-think the whole inline frame
idea (as you should anyhow - they stink).

Web master

LOL... thanks for your help guys! Not a slimy situation, i paid someone to
do some programming for me earlier on my webpage and I thought this would be
an easy way to re-use the code and not pay a ton of money to have it done

Thanks again for the tips!



Read my last paragraph again, except this time change the "not" in the first
sentence to "now", e.g.,

Be aware that McAfee is now flagging....

(it doesn't sound like you would be affected by this, however)

Mike Mueller

: >
: >> Hello all,
: >>
: >> I have a question regarding inline frames. I want to
incorporate a
: >> portion of another existing webpage onto a page that I
am creating. I
: >> was curious if anyone knew how to crop out a portion of
the top of the
: >> page i have as the inline frame; approximately 200

: >> The page I am using as the inline frame is not mine

: Not a slimy situation, i paid someone to do some
programming for me
: earlier on my webpage and I thought this would be an easy
way to
: re-use the code and not pay a ton of money to have it done

I'm confused.
You paid someone to develope a page for you, but the page is
not yours?

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