Ed H
I'm very new at this and have been putting bits and pieces together to try to
make this work. I have created a query (somewhat complex) and copied the SQL
into inline VBA code. My issue is the variable is never filled with the
result. Even when I substitute a very simple query. User enters a licence
number on the form from a combo box and I want to populate the next field on
the form with their name. TAB_Patrols
(FLD_VehicleLicence)->TAB_MemberVehicles (FLD_VehicleLicence,
FLD_MemberID)->TAB_Members(FLD_MemberId, FLD_MemberLastName)
There may be a much more appropriate way to do this, but I'm learning. The
fields going in to the query appear to contain the correct information.
Private Sub FLD_VehicleLicence_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim STR_VehicleDriver As String
STR_VehicleDriver = " "
Dim DBS As Database
Dim QDF As QueryDef
Dim STR_SQL As String
Set DBS = CurrentDb
For Each QDF In DBS.QueryDefs
If QDF.Name = "TMP_QRYNameByLicence" Then
DBS.QueryDefs.Delete QDF.Name
End If
Next QDF
"INTO [STR_VehicleDriver]" & _
"FROM (TAB_Members INNER JOIN TAB_MemberVehicles ON " & _
"TAB_Members.FLD_MemberId = TAB_MemberVehicles.FLD_MemberId) "
& _
TAB_MemberVehicles.FLD_VehicleLicence = " & _
"TAB_Patrols.FLD_VehicleLicence " & _
"WHERE TAB_Patrols.FLD_VehicleLicence = #" &
Me.FLD_VehicleLicence & "#;"
Set QDF = DBS.CreateQueryDef("TMP_QRYNameByLicence", STR_SQL)
Me.SFLD_DriverName = STR_VehicleDriver
make this work. I have created a query (somewhat complex) and copied the SQL
into inline VBA code. My issue is the variable is never filled with the
result. Even when I substitute a very simple query. User enters a licence
number on the form from a combo box and I want to populate the next field on
the form with their name. TAB_Patrols
(FLD_VehicleLicence)->TAB_MemberVehicles (FLD_VehicleLicence,
FLD_MemberID)->TAB_Members(FLD_MemberId, FLD_MemberLastName)
There may be a much more appropriate way to do this, but I'm learning. The
fields going in to the query appear to contain the correct information.
Private Sub FLD_VehicleLicence_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim STR_VehicleDriver As String
STR_VehicleDriver = " "
Dim DBS As Database
Dim QDF As QueryDef
Dim STR_SQL As String
Set DBS = CurrentDb
For Each QDF In DBS.QueryDefs
If QDF.Name = "TMP_QRYNameByLicence" Then
DBS.QueryDefs.Delete QDF.Name
End If
Next QDF
"INTO [STR_VehicleDriver]" & _
"FROM (TAB_Members INNER JOIN TAB_MemberVehicles ON " & _
"TAB_Members.FLD_MemberId = TAB_MemberVehicles.FLD_MemberId) "
& _
TAB_MemberVehicles.FLD_VehicleLicence = " & _
"TAB_Patrols.FLD_VehicleLicence " & _
"WHERE TAB_Patrols.FLD_VehicleLicence = #" &
Me.FLD_VehicleLicence & "#;"
Set QDF = DBS.CreateQueryDef("TMP_QRYNameByLicence", STR_SQL)
Me.SFLD_DriverName = STR_VehicleDriver