I am working on a plugin which will create a inline window within outlook to
show some webservice data with embbed url within a email. the outlook object
model doesn't seem to support this. so I am doing something like this.
1. create a usercontrol panel then put a webBrowser object within it.
2. find the outlook window handle with
3. after create the usercontrol panel, then use win32 SetParent to set the
outlook window as the parent of the usercontrol panel.
this work. however this also means my inline window's size is limited by the
outlook window. this creates a problem if the user had sized the outlook
window very small. my inline panel will be "clipped" by the outlook main
is there anyway I can create a inline window bigger than the outlook window?
my inline window's size is fixed.
PS, I want to have a mouse_leave event to close the inline window. and if I
register the even with the Panel, the mouse_leave event won't fire because
the panel is totally covered by the webBroswer control. anyway to handle this?
I am working on a plugin which will create a inline window within outlook to
show some webservice data with embbed url within a email. the outlook object
model doesn't seem to support this. so I am doing something like this.
1. create a usercontrol panel then put a webBrowser object within it.
2. find the outlook window handle with
3. after create the usercontrol panel, then use win32 SetParent to set the
outlook window as the parent of the usercontrol panel.
this work. however this also means my inline window's size is limited by the
outlook window. this creates a problem if the user had sized the outlook
window very small. my inline panel will be "clipped" by the outlook main
is there anyway I can create a inline window bigger than the outlook window?
my inline window's size is fixed.
PS, I want to have a mouse_leave event to close the inline window. and if I
register the even with the Panel, the mouse_leave event won't fire because
the panel is totally covered by the webBroswer control. anyway to handle this?