Innacurate reporting in Portfolio Analyzer?


Deborah R

I am using the portfolio analyzer in PWA and thinking I am not getting
accurate reporting,. I am trying to show work by resource, by project, by
month. I am looking at the "Resource Allocation View" which gives me a table
listing all resources and the projects they are on. The only field I am
using in the columns is WORK. But the work it is showing for each resource
does not seem to be an accurate reflection. For example resource Joe Smith
shows 4 hours on project ABC and 10 hours on project XYZ for April and then
nothing after that . However if I look at tasks assigned to Joe SMith in PWA,
it lists him with unfinished tasks on a number of different projects - these
projects not showing up under his name in the table created in portfolio
analizer. Should "work" be showing me all remaining work for each resource
or am I going about this entirely wrong? My ultimate goal is to be able to
see a report of all our resources in our ERP and how many hours they are
allocated to each project each month.

Reid McTaggart

I'd check the basics first:

Confirm that the Cube has been calculated recently enough and that the date
range it covers includes the periods you are questioning.


Brian K - Project MVP

Deborah said:
I am using the portfolio analyzer in PWA and thinking I am not
getting accurate reporting,. I am trying to show work by resource,
by project, by month. I am looking at the "Resource Allocation View"
which gives me a table listing all resources and the projects they
are on. The only field I am using in the columns is WORK. But the
work it is showing for each resource does not seem to be an accurate
reflection. For example resource Joe Smith shows 4 hours on project
ABC and 10 hours on project XYZ for April and then nothing after that
. However if I look at tasks assigned to Joe SMith in PWA, it lists
him with unfinished tasks on a number of different projects - these
projects not showing up under his name in the table created in
portfolio analizer. Should "work" be showing me all remaining work
for each resource or am I going about this entirely wrong? My
ultimate goal is to be able to see a report of all our resources in
our ERP and how many hours they are allocated to each project each

This sounds like the cube date ranges might be set so that April is the
end date for the cube so nothing after that is in the cube yet. Check
the dates in the Manage Enterprise Resources page inside the Admin
section of PWA.

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