Input box no longer accepts input



I wrote a program which gets the cell location to run from through an
input box. I tested it and it worked fine last week. I made some
changes elsewhere, but not to the input box code.

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wsCtyLstTop = Workbooks("Mark Top 10.xls").Worksheets("CtyLst")
Set wsExtFrom = ActiveSheet
Set wbExtrFrom = ActiveWorkbook
lBOS10Row = 14
lBOS21Row = 25

If wbExtrFrom.Name = "Mark Top 10.xls" Then
MsgBox "You have selected the workbook that contains the macro." &
Chr(13) & "Please click Ok and select the correct workbook and " &
Chr(13) & "worksheet and restart the macro.", vbOKOnly

Exit Sub

End If

' User inputs cty list location
lExtrFromCol = 0

On Error Resume Next
Set rExtrFromStrt = Application.InputBox _
(prompt:="Please click on the cell where the " & _
"first county is listed.", _
Type:=8, Default:="$a$2")

All variables are declared. Anyone have any ideas why the input box
won't let me select a cell anymore?


Tom Ogilvy

I haven't tested it, but I would think having Application.ScreenUpdating =

would be a non-starter. Turn it back on just before you show your inputbox.


Tom said:
I haven't tested it, but I would think having Application.ScreenUpdating =

would be a non-starter. Turn it back on just before you show your inputbox.

You got it! Thanks.

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