Input box



I have an input box with the following code

quotenumber = InputBox("Please enter QUOTE to recall. If you are recalling a
quote from Server3 then type in \\server3\jobs\estimate1\new_quot1\ and the
quote number", "The Auld Company", "C:\quotes\")

I would like to be able to select the another
path"\\server3\jobs\estimate1\new_quot1\" without having to type it in


Dave Peterson

Are you trying to open an existing file?

If yes, look at application.getopenfilename in VBA's help:

Dim WkbkName As Variant

WkbkName = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel files, *.xls")

If WkbkName = False Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

I don't have a network to test this on--you may have to type in the start of the
UNC path to be able to choose deeper levels.

If you map that path to a drive letter, it may be easier to traverse.


I can't understand yoyur message

Maybe I can be a little clear
I want an input box (or something) that will give two options
one that will show a path to one folder
and also a path to another folder

Dave Peterson

An inputbox is used to get a value that the user typed in.

I guess you could do something like:

Sub testme()

Dim Folder1 As String
Dim Folder2 As String
Dim resp As String
Dim UseThisOne As String

'your samples weren't different
Folder1 = "\\server3\jobs\estimate1\new_quot1\"
Folder2 = "\\server3\jobs\estimate1\new_quot2\"

UseThisOne = ""
resp = InputBox(Prompt:="1. " & Folder1 & vbLf & _
"2. " & Folder2 & vbLf & _
vbLf & _
"Enter 1 or 2")

Select Case Trim(resp)
Case Is = "1": UseThisOne = Folder1
Case Is = "2": UseThisOne = Folder2
Case Is = "": Exit Do
End Select
If UseThisOne = "" Then
'keep waiting for a valid answer
Exit Do
End If

If UseThisOne = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

'show that it worked
MsgBox UseThisOne

End Sub

Dave Peterson

Open excel
Open your workbook
Go into the VBE
Select your project
Look for MISSING reference.

Uncheck that missing reference.

The missing reference may not (usually doesn't) have anything to do with the
line that caused the error.
Dave I get a compile error with Trim highlighted "can't find project or libary


That got rid of the error message but
after I select 1 or 2 I want that path in the message box so that I can just
type in a file name to open

Dave Peterson

You got that path in the message box.

I don't understand your question.
That got rid of the error message but
after I select 1 or 2 I want that path in the message box so that I can just
type in a file name to open

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