Input Lines from a Text File



Can you START at a chosen line within a text file, or do you always have to
start at line one.

For that matter, can you start at the end of the file, and work your way
Open "C:\text.txt" for input as #1

Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strVal

Stuart McCall

Douglas J. Steele said:
You have to read sequentially from the front of the file.

Well one way to work backwards through a text file would be to open the file
for binary input and get the whole contents into a string. This string could
be passed to the VBA Split function, to load an array. The array can be
iterated forwards or backwards.

Air code:

Dim f As Integer
Dim b As String
Dim a As Variant
Dim i As Long

f = FreeFile()
Open "MyFile.txt" For Binary Access Read As f
b = Space$(Lof(f)) 'Allocate buffer sized to file
Get #f, , b 'Grab file's contents
Close f

a = Split(b, vbCrLf) 'Get "lines" into array

'Iterate from top to bottom, using 'Step -1'
For i = Ubound(a) To Lbound(a) Step -1
If <condition met> Then
'Do something
End If

Erase a 'Free up ram allocated to array

What happens next depends on what you're doing..

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