Input Mask box / Input Mask Wizard


Deb Schipper


I hope someone can explain this to me. I working my way
through a Access exercise for uni and I'm supposed to use
the Input Mask Wizard but I'm coming up with an error.
I can't "build" it because I don't have the necessary
feature. I have XP Home - does this mean this feature
isn't on XP Home but is on XP Professional???

Is there a way I can manually get around this and could
anyone "walk" me through it. Cheers


John Vinson


I hope someone can explain this to me. I working my way
through a Access exercise for uni and I'm supposed to use
the Input Mask Wizard but I'm coming up with an error.
I can't "build" it because I don't have the necessary
feature. I have XP Home - does this mean this feature
isn't on XP Home but is on XP Professional???

Don't confuse the Windows Operating System - the environment within
which programs run - with the version of Access you have installed.
They're both called XP but that's just a marketing gimmick; there is
very little relationship. Microsoft Access (or Office) 97, 2000, XP or
2003 can run under operating systems Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, or XP
under any combination.

The Access Wizards aren't necessarily installed by default. If you can
get the Office Pro CD (the installation disk for the Access program)
try running Setup on it, and choose "Repair the current installation".
When asked if you want to take the default options say NO and instead
follow the instructions to install all the wizards and help files.

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