Input Mask - Convert to Uppercase



How do I convert the data in my fields to Uppercase??? I
tried a number of combinations as input masks and it
appears to work for new entries...However for entries
that already exists it converts some to uppercase and
some entries are unaffected. Why are some things affected
while others are not???

John Vinson

How do I convert the data in my fields to Uppercase??? I
tried a number of combinations as input masks and it
appears to work for new entries...However for entries
that already exists it converts some to uppercase and
some entries are unaffected. Why are some things affected
while others are not???

Actually an Input Mask isn't capable of actually changing what's
stored in the table at all - only what's displayed.

You can run an Update query updating the field to


to permanently convert the values to uppercase.

Rolf Østvik

How do I convert the data in my fields to Uppercase??? I
tried a number of combinations as input masks and it

I will suggest to use the KeyPress property of the field.

KeyPress function:

Private Sub <FieldName>_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = UCase_Asc(KeyAscii)
End Sub

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