Input mask for height


Alan UK

I want to have a table with imperial heights stored (eg 5'10") but when I
create my inpout mask with 9'##" ( 9"' "##"") it just displays as 5'10. Is
there any way to have the inches symbol displayed as well?

Allen Browne

Use two separate fields to hold the value for Feet and Inches.

You can print them on a report as:
=[Feet] & "' " & [Inches] & """"

Alternativley, use a single field to store the value in inches. You can then
display it on a report as:
=([Inches] \ 12) & "' " & ([Inches] Mod 12) & """"

Either way, you are able to perform any calculations you need (such as
calculating average height, or height-to-weight ratios)

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