Input Mask

  • Thread starter Sandra Grawunder
  • Start date

Sandra Grawunder

I have a mailing list where 99% of the contacts have our
local area code in the telephone number. I am using the
input mask for telephone numbers but is there a way to
have the area code part a default (but changeable if
required)and the cursor is at the first number for the
phone number - like (956) >xxx-xxxx?


Hello Sandra

I believe that the following function will do what is required.

Best regards

Maurice St-Cyr

Micro Systems Consultants, Inc.

1. Create the following table that will contain the phone number prefix
to search for and the new area code:

Table: Area Codes To Change
Field Name: Prefix
Data type: Text
Field Name: Area Codes
Data type: Text

2. Type the phone number prefixes and area codes in the table Area Codes To

Change, for example:

Prefix Area Codes
635 207
634 208

3. Open a module or create a new one, and type the following code:

'Declarations section of the module.

Option Explicit

' Create the following ChgAreaCode() function in the Module
' The following function will initialize:
' - A variable for the database object.
' - Variables for the table objects and several other objects.
' - Sets the database object to the opened database.

' - Opens table "Area Codes To Change" and tPhName.
' - The action of this function is to locate the phone number
' entries with certain prefixes and then change the
' corresponding area code. This function operates on numbers
' with the following format "(206) 635-7050". The table name
' and field name containing the phone number must be passed
' as arguments.

Function ChgAreaCode (tPhName, fldPhone)
Dim PhoneDB As Database
Dim tPhone As Recordset, tPrefix As Recordset
Dim PCount%
Dim i%
Dim tPrefixName$
Dim Prefix$
Dim SpacePos%
Dim HyphenPos%
Dim PrefixLen%
Dim PrefixToFind$
Dim AreaCode$
Dim Lastfour$
tPrefixName$ = "Area Codes To Change"

If tPhName = "" Or fldPhone = "" Then Exit Function

Set PhoneDB = CurrentDB()
Set tPrefix = PhoneDB.OpenRecordset(tPrefixName$)

PCount% = tPrefix.RecordCount
ReDim PrefixArray$((PCount% - 1), 1)

For i% = 0 To PCount% - 1 Step 1
PrefixArray$(i%, 0) = tPrefix![Prefix]
PrefixArray$(i%, 1) = tPrefix![Area Codes]
Next i%

Set tPhone = PhoneDB.OpenRecordset(tPhName)
Do Until tPhone.EOF
SpacePos% = InStr(1, tPhone(fldPhone), " ")
HyphenPos% = InStr(SpacePos% + 1, tPhone(fldPhone), "-")
PrefixLen% = (HyphenPos% - SpacePos%) - 1
PrefixToFind$ = Mid(tPhone(fldPhone), SpacePos% + _
1, PrefixLen%)

For i% = 0 To PCount% - 1 Step 1
If PrefixArray$(i%, 0) = PrefixToFind$ Then

AreaCode$ = PrefixArray$(i%, 1)
Prefix$ = Mid$(tPhone(fldPhone), 7, 3)
Lastfour$ = Right$(tPhone(fldPhone), 4)
tPhone(fldPhone) = "(" & AreaCode & ") " _
& Prefix & "-" & Lastfour
End If
Next i%


End Function

When using this function, you pass (tPhName), the name of the table
containing the number to change, as a string. Then you pass (fldPhone),
the field name that contains the number to change, as a string.


Whoa! Thank you so much
-----Original Message-----
Hello Sandra

I believe that the following function will do what is required.

Best regards

Maurice St-Cyr

Micro Systems Consultants, Inc.

1. Create the following table that will contain the phone number prefix
to search for and the new area code:

Table: Area Codes To Change
Field Name: Prefix
Data type: Text
Field Name: Area Codes
Data type: Text

2. Type the phone number prefixes and area codes in the table Area Codes To

Change, for example:

Prefix Area Codes
635 207
634 208

3. Open a module or create a new one, and type the following code:

'Declarations section of the module.

Option Explicit

'================================================== ===========
' Create the following ChgAreaCode() function in the Module
' The following function will initialize:
' - A variable for the database object.
' - Variables for the table objects and several other objects.
' - Sets the database object to the opened database.

' - Opens table "Area Codes To Change" and tPhName.
' - The action of this function is to locate the phone number
' entries with certain prefixes and then change the
' corresponding area code. This function operates on numbers
' with the following format "(206) 635-7050". The table name
' and field name containing the phone number must be passed
' as arguments.
'================================================== ===========

Function ChgAreaCode (tPhName, fldPhone)
Dim PhoneDB As Database
Dim tPhone As Recordset, tPrefix As Recordset
Dim PCount%
Dim i%
Dim tPrefixName$
Dim Prefix$
Dim SpacePos%
Dim HyphenPos%
Dim PrefixLen%
Dim PrefixToFind$
Dim AreaCode$
Dim Lastfour$
tPrefixName$ = "Area Codes To Change"

If tPhName = "" Or fldPhone = "" Then Exit Function

Set PhoneDB = CurrentDB()
Set tPrefix = PhoneDB.OpenRecordset (tPrefixName$)

PCount% = tPrefix.RecordCount
ReDim PrefixArray$((PCount% - 1), 1)

For i% = 0 To PCount% - 1 Step 1
PrefixArray$(i%, 0) = tPrefix![Prefix]
PrefixArray$(i%, 1) = tPrefix![Area Codes]
Next i%

Set tPhone = PhoneDB.OpenRecordset(tPhName)
Do Until tPhone.EOF
SpacePos% = InStr(1, tPhone(fldPhone), " ")
HyphenPos% = InStr(SpacePos% + 1, tPhone (fldPhone), "-")
PrefixLen% = (HyphenPos% - SpacePos%) - 1
PrefixToFind$ = Mid(tPhone(fldPhone), SpacePos% + _
1, PrefixLen%)

For i% = 0 To PCount% - 1 Step 1
If PrefixArray$(i%, 0) = PrefixToFind$ Then

AreaCode$ = PrefixArray$(i%, 1)
Prefix$ = Mid$(tPhone(fldPhone), 7, 3)
Lastfour$ = Right$(tPhone(fldPhone), 4)
tPhone(fldPhone) = "(" & AreaCode & ") " _
& Prefix & "-" & Lastfour
End If
Next i%


End Function

When using this function, you pass (tPhName), the name of the table
containing the number to change, as a string. Then you pass (fldPhone),
the field name that contains the number to change, as a string.
I have a mailing list where 99% of the contacts have our
local area code in the telephone number. I am using the
input mask for telephone numbers but is there a way to
have the area code part a default (but changeable if
required)and the cursor is at the first number for the
phone number - like (956) >xxx-xxxx?


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