InputBox in WORD?



Trying to use InputBox within macro in WORD using string provided in Help. I keep getting a Compile error - Expected: list seperator or )

Using simple macros for fax covers and form letters to enter date, company, systems installed, etc.

Joost Verdaasdonk

Hi Loree, :D

Please use ENTERS in you're text.

In a Module in the VBE:

Sub SimpleInput()
Dim strTxt As String

strTxt = InputBox("Tel me you're name?", "Hi Loree")
MsgBox "You're name is " & strTxt

End Sub

Joost Verdaasdonk
-----Original Message-----
Trying to use InputBox within macro in WORD using string
provided in Help. I keep getting a Compile error -
Expected: list seperator or )
Using simple macros for fax covers and form letters to
enter date, company, systems installed, etc.

Jonathan West

Loree said:
Trying to use InputBox within macro in WORD using string provided in Help.
I keep getting a Compile error - Expected: list seperator or )
Using simple macros for fax covers and form letters to enter date,
company, systems installed, etc.

Can you show us the line of code that throws the error?

Helmut Weber

Hi Loree,
check the possibly localized listseperator, like this:
MsgBox Application.International(wdListSeparator)
Is it what you are using in the inputbox?


How to I get the user input to show up as text in the actual document versus a message box

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < Loree > écrivait :
In this message, < Loree > wrote:

|| How to I get the user input to show up as text in the actual document
versus a message box
||| Sub SimpleInput()
||| Dim strTxt As String
||| strTxt = InputBox("Tell me your name?", "Hi Loree")
||| MsgBox "You're name is " & strTxt
||| End Sub

Provided that the cursor is at the right location in the document,

MsgBox "You're name is " & strTxt


Selection.TypeText strTxt

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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