Try playing around with this sub.
Note the instructions in the Input Box.
Another way would be to use a Textbox on a UserForm and
limit which characters can be entered in the textbox.
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA
Sub WhichColumns()
Dim cols As Excel.Range
Dim rngC As Excel.Range
Dim rngA As Excel.Range
ActiveSheet.Columns.Hidden = False
On Error Resume Next
Set cols = Application.InputBox(vbCr & _
"Hold down the Ctrl key and select the columns required. ", Type:=8)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
For Each rngA In cols.Areas
For Each rngC In rngA.Columns
rngC.Hidden = False
Next 'rngC
Next 'rngA
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
End Sub
"pete the greek"
[email protected]>
wrote in message
hi jim thanks for this i still get errors how should the user type the column
in the input book
a:a or 1 what would they used to seperate muiltiple columns as they input them
what i am trying to achieve is i have a 220 column spreadsheet and would
like to be able to ask the user which columns they would like to see and hide
the rest. i can do this by manually creating the array "cols" but thought the
input box would make it more flexible
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
lastcol = rng.Columns.Count
lastrow = rng.Rows.Count
cols = Array(2, 56, 79, 122, 165)
rng.Columns.Hidden = True
For Each zz In cols
ActiveSheet.Columns(zz).Hidden = False
Next zz