InputBox with calendar



Hello everyone, I am using an InputBox to prompt the user to enter a date, is
there a way to show the calendar picker so the user can pick a date instead
of type one in (Access 2007)? This date will not be stored anywhere in the
database; it is used to create an Oultook 2007 calendar note from the
database directly. Or, is there a way to have the calendar to pop up directly
and past the selection into my inputbox?

Thank you,

Al Campagna

Not using the InputBox function, but... you could create a custom pop-up
form, with a date picker, or calendar control.
For example... enter a date for a report filter, or a query criteria,
In both examples, leave the pop-up form open while the report or query
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP 2007-2009

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