InputBox Ypos Calculator, oct07


Neal Zimm

Hi -
I want to build a function that will assist in setting the Ypos for
an InputBox. I have a lot of variability in how deep they are, and if there's
a lot of text lines I want the Ypos 'higher' on the screen.

What's your take on the following before I start barking up the wrong tree:

About 42 characters before a text line wraps around.
The vbCr constant is Chr(13).

So .... a formula to get the text line count to vary the Ypos would be
something like:

Qtylines = int(len(concatenation of string vars in box msg) / 42) plus
results of a loop that counts the occurances of chr(13) in the aforementioned

The result would not have to be exact, but a decent 'indicator'.



Have you tried using the height property of the text box. If you are adding
Chr(13) the textbox should automatically increase in height. Fill the box
then quickly move the box to the correct position. You could hide the
textbox while you are filling the data and setting the position and then make
it visible.

Neal Zimm

Joel -
I relooked at the parms for an inputbox and cannot find the height
property. Your response mentions text box, is it possible you misread my

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