Inputing and sorting Roster data



I deal with about 300 student information a week, from student IDs to contact
numbers, to meal codes and such. All information for the student needs to be
sorted and distributed to different departments (i.e. cafateria,
administration, nurse, etc...). I can do this all manually but it has become
very cumbersom. I've learned that my actions can be recorded in macros, and
this has helped a bit, but the problem is that there are multiple stages of
sorting and inputing of data that requires me to create very complex
functinos. Functions that I'm not capable of doing (i.e. I can't figure out
the formulas). Verious types of sorting involves separating male from female,
paid lunches from non-paid lunches, medical info, etc... Where can I go to
get this set up the way I need it, so every time I'm given a list of raw
information every week, I am able to open an application and all the
proceedures and actions that I do to make the proper sorts and lists is done
for me? In other words I need a one-stop-shop; a place that can give me
answers quicker, because I have too many questions. I hope this wasn't too
lengthy and difficult to read. Help would be great.


someone may respond with a one stop shop.However in the meantime why dont you
give us a small sample of what you get every week and a couple of examples of
wht you want it to look like.Do you distribute excel files or is it printed

Braheem we go.

I have a workbook of data that needs to be sorted in worksheets in several
ways with the same information.

1 workbook (wb)
6-7 worksheets (ws)

1st ws: "Raw Data" sent from other schools within the district
2nd ws: "Nurse Roughdraft" data (includes Rx, Gender, Student #, Meal Code,
3rd ws: "Nurse FinalDraft" data (this information is manipulated based on
what nurses have entered in the "Nurse Roughdraft" data).
4th ws: "Cabin Roster" data includes everything in the "Nurse Final" but
requires a repeating numbering sequence of students from 1-12. Once done,
those students that were assigned with the same numbering need to be sorted
together. Then they need to be numbered again based on the total of students
in the same catagory.

At this point it's becomming difficult to explain, and I'm sure difficult to
understand. Hence, why I need a one-stop-shop.

For the time being, I could use help here:


1 stu# gen name phone sch#
2 123456 M Joe Schmo 555-555-5555 123 A
3 789101 F Jane Doe 555-555-5555 456 B
4 121314 F Jenny Doe 555-555-5555 789 C
5 151617 M Jonny Cash 555-555-5555 123 B


What I need here is all genders seporated into two different worksheets with
all their corresponding information.
The only idea I can think of is to create an IF statement based on the
gender (i.e. IF ws1 B2 is "F" then input all data from ws1 Row2)(IF ws1
B2 is not "F" then input "0").


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