I have four worksheets containing sales figures for four different products.
I then have a sheet called "MASTER" which I would like to contain data from
all four of the other sheets. What I would like to do, is whenever I input
data into any one of the four product sheets, it should also appear on the
"MASTER" sheet, thus creating a compilation of the data on all four sheets.
All 5 worksheets have the same columns:
date/item/$cost/$retail/$reimb./$difference/client name
How can I accomplish this?
I then have a sheet called "MASTER" which I would like to contain data from
all four of the other sheets. What I would like to do, is whenever I input
data into any one of the four product sheets, it should also appear on the
"MASTER" sheet, thus creating a compilation of the data on all four sheets.
All 5 worksheets have the same columns:
date/item/$cost/$retail/$reimb./$difference/client name
How can I accomplish this?