I'm going into overkill mode here. The code shown below will take the
information from the last used row on the Input sheet and move it over to the
Data sheet. I've shown 2 ways to do this:
1) copy the entire row
2) copy individual cells
This code would be run after you've entered new data on the Input sheet.
Then after what ever calculations are run on the Data sheet are completed,
you'd just kind of reverse the data flow (copying from Data sheet back to
Input sheet) to get your results back.
But I'm a bit confused as to why you are using 2 sheets to do this. The
calculations could all be placed on the single "input" sheet, or am I missing
something here? I suppose this is another case where it would have been
helpful if you could have uploaded the workbook so it could be seen. Not
your fault.
If you are unfamiliar with how to add code to a workbook, this web page may
just cut the code from here and paste it into a new Module in your workbook
and call the routine with Tools | Macro | Macros then choose the macro and
[Run] it.
Sub MoveToDataSheet()
'by JLatham
'email: 2kmaro @ dslr.net (remove spaces)
'presumes new data in it goes to the bottom
'of any input data list
Dim InputRow As Long
Dim DataRow As Long
'making sheet names variable
'so that you can change them
'once for your setup and the code
'will still work
Dim InputSheet As String
Dim DataSheet As String
'This next is to identify the
'column on the move-to sheet (Data)
'that is most likely to be longest
'or that will always have data in it
Dim DataColumn As String
'now define the variables for your
InputSheet = "InputSheet"
DataSheet = "DataSheet"
DataColumn = "A"
'turn off ScreenUpdating for 2 reasons:
'reduces processing time for large data moves
'keeps screen from jumping from sheet to sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' hide screen activity
'find last row used on the input sheet
InputRow = Range(DataColumn & "65535").End(xlUp).Row
If InputRow = 0 Then
MsgBox "No data found to move."
Exit Sub
End If
'find first empty row on the data sheet
'test to see if there's room for more
If Not IsEmpty(Range(DataColumn & "65535")) Then
MsgBox "No room left on the Data Sheet"
Exit Sub
End If
DataRow = Range(DataColumn & "65535").End(xlUp).Row + 1
'if the columns already line up on both sheets
'you can use code like this
'to copy the entire row in one move
Rows(InputRow & ":" & InputRow).Select
Rows(DataRow & ":" & DataRow).Select
Range(DataColumn & DataRow).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range(DataColumn & InputRow).Select
'but if columns do not line up then you
'can do the data transfer cell by cell
Sheets(DataSheet).Range("G" & DataRow) = _
Sheets(InputSheet).Range("A" & InputRow)
Sheets(DataSheet).Range("H" & DataRow) = _
Sheets(InputSheet).Range("B" & InputRow)
Sheets(DataSheet).Range("I" & DataRow) = _
Sheets(InputSheet).Range("C" & InputRow)
Sheets(DataSheet).Range("J" & DataRow) = _
Sheets(InputSheet).Range("D" & InputRow)
'repeat above adjusting the column ID for
'columns on each sheet for each data item to move
'because you get no visual indication that
'anything has happened, you may want to
'provide a message to the user so that
'they know it took place
MsgBox "Data Move Completed"
'at this point the Data sheet calculations
'would be performed and then
'a reverse of the data flow provided above
'could be done to move processed data back
'to the Input sheet
End Sub