Insert 2 pictures per page


Thanks, JH

I have Word 2003 on XP. I am trying to enter two pictures per page and I
have two questions :
1st - How can I force Word to insert all selected pictures to a default
dimension (i.e. 4"by6") and

2nd - I want to automatically include a direct-edit textbox for each
picture (not captions).

Is there a way to do this?


See in line below...

Thanks said:
I have Word 2003 on XP. I am trying to enter two pictures per page and I
have two questions :
1st - How can I force Word to insert all selected pictures to a default
dimension (i.e. 4"by6")

You can't... at least not without some VBA working for you. The better
recommendation is that any images should be processed using a decent
graphics program first. Render the images at the appropriate resolution &
print dimensions before inserting them into your document... especially if
they are photographs.

2nd - I want to automatically include a direct-edit textbox for each
picture (not captions).

I'm not certain what you mean by "a direct-edit textbox", but unless I miss
my guess you can most readily get the result you probably want by putting
the images & text in table cells.
Is there a way to do this?

Quite honestly, the project you describe sound more like it falls into the
category of desktop publishing/page layout as opposed to word processing. If
you intend to include more than just the 2 images you might do well to
consider using MS Publisher instead of Word. A program of that type makes it
much easier to control placement of objects.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The way I do this is to insert a table with 4"x6" cells. You can add rows
between these in which to add your captions.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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