Insert a link to a pdf file



Want to insert a link to a pdf file on the server.

I have opened workbook and i know how to copy/paste the value of a cel
from this workbook into another workbook file, with a macro. But can
get it to copy a link to the pdf-file generated in the opened workbook.

Generated value.

Would like it to insert a link to a file here.

Worksheets(1).Range("G1") = Format(a) * 10

Send to the wbTarget file.



kima said:
Want to insert a link to a pdf file on the server.

I have opened workbook and i know how to copy/paste the value of a cell
from this workbook into another workbook file, with a macro. But cant
get it to copy a link to the pdf-file generated in the opened workbook.

Generated value.

Would like it to insert a link to a file here.

Worksheets(1).Range("G1") = Format(a) * 100

Send to the wbTarget file.


Try something like this:

wbTarget.Sheets(1).Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=wbTarget.Sheets(1).Range(bogstav & DatoID), _

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