Insert->Break Menus Gone on Word 2004 v11.5.3



I have 2 computers running Word 2004 (v11.5.3) (081112) -- my
Powerbook G4 and wife's iMac. Both running latest OS X (10.5.6). The
iMac appears to be running Word normally however the Powerbook has
gotten the Insert menu fouled up ... "Insert>Break>(6 subchoices)" on
the iMac is fine, on the Powerbook this has been replaced by
"Insert>Page Break" and "Insert>Section Break" (2 separate menu

Also the bottom third of the Insert menu has changed and
"Insert>Picture..." with submenus has been moved and changed. Now
there is only "Insert>Picture" and the other menu choices (>HTML
Object, >Text Box, >Movie ..., etc) are gone.

I have tried Tools>Customize Menus>Reset to no avail. I also found the
Normal template and deleted that ... again no joy.

Considering completely removing and reinstalling Word to fix this. Any
better ideas?


Most definitely Do Not reinstall - That's *rarely* a solution & typically
causes more trouble. The problems are seldom caused by the application files
& those that do cause the problems don't get touched by reinstalling.

When you went into the Customize dialog did you specifically select the Menu
Bar by clicking on its name to highlight it before clicking Reset? If not,
the Reset most likely didn't apply so try that first.

If still no improvement, go back into the Customize - Commands page & either
fix the problem menus by dragging the various items as necessary *or* just
remove the problem menu items from the Word menu bar & replace them from the
Built-In Menus category. Quit Word & restart it just to be on the safe side.

If that still doesn't correct it there are additional possibilities to
investigate but again, don't reinstall :)

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Most definitely Do Not reinstall - That's *rarely* a solution & typically
causes more trouble. The problems are seldom caused by the application files
& those that do cause the problems don't get touched by reinstalling.

When you went into the Customize dialog did you specifically select the Menu
Bar by clicking on its name to highlight it before clicking Reset? If not,
the Reset most likely didn't apply so try that first.

If still no improvement, go back into the Customize - Commands page & either
fix the problem menus by dragging the various items as necessary *or* just
remove the problem menu items from the Word menu bar & replace them from the
Built-In Menus category. Quit Word & restart it just to be on the safe side.

If that still doesn't correct it there are additional possibilities to
investigate but again, don't reinstall :)

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Bob, I apologize -- fixed the problem. Somehow "Word 5.1 menus" got
turned on. Turning that off restored normal operation.

Thanks for your help, and sorry for the Senior Moment.



That was one of my next "guesses" :) Glad you got it resolved & thanks for
posting the solution!

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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