Insert control onto Visio drawing page




If I insert a control (e.g. a Microsoft forms 2.0 command
button) onto my visio drawing page, I've got an error:

"An error (1441) occurred during the action Drop On Page.
Visio cannot insert a new control because this file
contains too many shapes, pages, or masters."

Actually, on the drawing page there are no more than 50

What's going wrong? Is there a workaround? thanks




I am still being troubled by this problem. Can anybody
help on this issue?

My drawing page has around 40-50 shapes, but each of them
may contain up to 100 lines (those shape is my own shapes
which I created myself).


Mark Nelson [MS]

What version of Visio are you working with? I'm not aware of this message
happening with newer versions.

You can simplify your shapes by combining several geometry sections into a
single shape. This can dramatically improve performance and file size. Try
using the Shape > Operations > Combine command.


Thanks Mark.

I am using Visio 2003. The shapes are created for certain
purposes and cannot be easily modified. The problem is, I
can still add hundreds of new lines on the drawing page,
but cannot add a single control (e.g. command button) any
more when the page has certain amount of shapes.


Mark Nelson [MS]

I have not encountered this situation before. As a workaround, can you drop
a Visio shape that looks like a button on the page and hook its double-click
event up to your code? There are Windows XP UI shapes in the Professional


HAHA! Good luck. I've tried the workaround--adding a
doubleclick action to a "button-shaped" shape, but that's
not practical because I have a large drawing, and when I
rescale it, guess what! The buttons become too small to
use, or I have to make them so large there's no room for

As for "Insert Microsoft Forms Command Button", see
KB826411. I especially like the line:
"This problem occurs because Visio is not a supported
container for the Visio Drawing Control."

This kind of problem is very common in VISIO. It happens
when you want to accomplish even the simplest tasks. The
only real solution is to do what I am in the process of
doing--switching to StarOffice. For the hours that I
have spent searching the knowledge base only to find yet
another error stating that a touted feature does not
work, I could be creating useful drawings in an honest

Good luck


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