Insert Cross Reference to Caption Number Only


A. Agoston

How can I insert a cross reference to the number only? In the "Insert
reference to" box "Only label and number" can be selected, but „Only numberâ€
option is not available.
I want to use automatic numbering for equations. Equation numbers are placed
in the same line with the equation usually on the right side in parentheses.
A = 2*B ({SEQ Eq})
Creating a cross reference to this equation, inserts also all text in front
of the sequence number, like: A = 2*B (1, which is not acceptable. Also the
equation itself can be defined as a field, but the spaces and the tabulator
are included in the cross reference anyway.
Creating bookmarks for each sequence number is not a satisfactory solution,
because it needs a lot of fantasy to find out representative bookmark names
for a larger number of equations, and knowing what name represents the
equation hundred pages earlier. It is an additional workload, which could be
easily automated.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
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click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Shauna Kelly

Hi A. Agoston

I think what you have identified is a bug. There is a way around it, but
it's a bit convoluted. Here goes:

In documents with numbered equations (typically academic work in maths or
science), it's common to set off the equation from the surrounding text and
align the equation number against the right margin.

The easiest way to do this is in a 1-row, 2-column table, with the borders
removed. So, create such a table, make the left-hand cell quite wide, and
format the right-hand cell to be right-aligned.

In the right-hand cell type ctrl-F9 and then, within the fields that word
gives you, type SEQ Equation and then press F9. (Note 1: For this purpose,
avoid Insert > Reference > Caption. Word tries to be "clever" and thinks you
want a caption to the table as a whole! Note 2: By default, Word has a
caption label named "Equation", but not one named "Eq". If you're ever
likely to send this document to anyone else to work on, it's a good idea to
use the built-in "Equation" label.)

So, whenever you need to insert an equation you'll need to create a table
like this. To speed up that process, create an AutoText of the table. Select
the whole table, do Alt-F3 and give your AutoText a name (eg EquationTable).
Now, you can invoke the AutoText whenever you need an equation. There are
several ways to do this (eg you can put a button on a toolbar to paste the
AutoText into your document). The methods to invoke the AutoText are
described at:
Using AutoText

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Use Insert Reference to "Numbered item", not "Equation".

Inserting a cross reference to an Equation or Table or Figure is inserting a
reference to a bookmark placed automatically by Word. The choices refer to
the selected content of the bookmark.

Word is bookmaking the whole string "Equation 3 Calculating disbursements"

If you want it to bookmark just the number, use Insert Reference to
"Numbered item".

I suggest that you use the ListNum field in place of the SEQ field. I know
that the SEQ field is more flexible, but the ListNum field updates
automatically, which is one less thing to worry about :)


On 6/8/06 8:44 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "A. Agoston" <A.
How can I insert a cross reference to the number only? In the "Insert
reference to" box "Only label and number" can be selected, but „Only numberâ€
option is not available.
I want to use automatic numbering for equations. Equation numbers are placed
in the same line with the equation usually on the right side in parentheses.
A = 2*B ({SEQ Eq})
Creating a cross reference to this equation, inserts also all text in front
of the sequence number, like: A = 2*B (1, which is not acceptable. Also the
equation itself can be defined as a field, but the spaces and the tabulator
are included in the cross reference anyway.
Creating bookmarks for each sequence number is not a satisfactory solution,
because it needs a lot of fantasy to find out representative bookmark names
for a larger number of equations, and knowing what name represents the
equation hundred pages earlier. It is an additional workload, which could be
easily automated.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

Beth Melton

John McGhie said:
Use Insert Reference to "Numbered item", not "Equation".

Inserting a cross reference to an Equation or Table or Figure is
inserting a
reference to a bookmark placed automatically by Word. The choices
refer to
the selected content of the bookmark.

Word is bookmaking the whole string "Equation 3 Calculating

If you want it to bookmark just the number, use Insert Reference to
"Numbered item".

Unfortunately SEQ fields do not appear when Numbered Item is selected.

Now, it is for ListNum - I'm wondering if that's what you were
thinking of? :)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

A. Agoston

Hi Miss Kelly,

I like Your work around solution. It is acceptable to work with, however
tables are more difficult to handle in later formating issues, when changeing
styles and page formating. But still it is a feasible solution.

I found an other work around solution for myself. I defined the sequence
number at the beginning of the line, with the text color set to white to hide
it, and repeated the sequence number at the end of the line at the desired
numbering position using the \c option.
Simple example:

{SEQ Equation} <tab> A = B + C <tab> ({SEQ Equation \c})

The sequence at the beginning of the line, you have to format in a way being
not visible (e.g. white Textcolor). Hidden text does not show up in the Cross
Reference window.

If you want to have the numbering on the left side, but the parentesis not
included in the cross reference, like for the numbering of the references,
then following works:

{EQ [}{SEQ Reference}] <tab> Refernece to a publication.

But this all is still a work around only. So the appeal on microsoft still
there to include a possibility for cross reference to the sequence number

Here is a further sugesstion to microsoft regarding this issue, improving
the SEQ field and its cross reference:
The SEQ field could already include the corresponding display label in
addition to the field name. This could be achived by extending the SEQ field
by two new optional controls for "prelabel" and "postlabel". This could look
like: {SEQ "prelabel" seqfieldname "postlable"} .
{SEQ "Figure " Figure} displayed as Figure 1
{SEQ Figure ". Figure"} displayed as 2. Figure
{SEQ "(" Equation ")"} displayed as (1)
or excluding the parentesis from the field
({SEQ Equation }) displayed as (2)
to allow reference to the number only.

Ofcoure in the Cross Reference dialog an insert reference to "Field only"
option should be avaible, inserting the text of the field as displayed.
Cross receference examples "Field only" (based on above fields):
Figure 1
2. Figure

In this construction WORD could automaicaly create a hidden reference to
each field, when the field is created (like _Field09293482 or even including
the field name like _Field_Figure092340). This would also simplify the
algorithm for the cross reference function, finding the fields faster and
easier. With the default "Field only" option, no new reference has to be
created, avioding the problem that multiple references are created for the
same object.

Nevertheless I would provide also the "Number only" option in the "Insert
reference to" selection list, beside the existing ones.

Thank you!
A. Agoston

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