insert date and time issue


How do I insert date and time so that it is visible when a page is
printed? I am creating multiple revisions of my thesis and need to
keep track.

Elliott Roper

How do I insert date and time so that it is visible when a page is
printed? I am creating multiple revisions of my thesis and need to
keep track.
This advice is for Word 2004 for Macintosh. Just in case you got here
by mistake or are using an earlier version.

Go to Word help, and search for one of SaveDate PrintDate or CreateDate
fields and their uncles, aunts and friends.

I think you might be satisfied by a PrintDate in the footer, but I have
no idea how you are working. SaveDate might make more sense for

Clive Huggan

This advice is for Word 2004 for Macintosh. Just in case you got here
by mistake or are using an earlier version.

Go to Word help, and search for one of SaveDate PrintDate or CreateDate
fields and their uncles, aunts and friends.

I think you might be satisfied by a PrintDate in the footer, but I have
no idea how you are working. SaveDate might make more sense for

Dear [whoever],

If you mainly print out (hard copy or PDF) and would therefore be satisfied
with the date being put in the footer, I agree with Elliott -- just put a
PrintDate in the footer.

If not, then you will be much better off using a manually applied version
number (note: this has nothing to do with Word's "versioning" feature --
there be Dark Evil Things) as your principal indicator, reinforced with
PrintDate if you wish.

There are two methods, both involving your typing "version 1a" (or whatever)
on the front page.

The first option is to bookmark "version 1a" then in the header, insert a
cross-reference to the bookmark.

The second option is to apply a style to the paragraph in which you have
typed "version 1a" and ensure the text is the first on that page to which
you have applied that style.

Next, in the header, you insert either (if you chose the first option) a
cross-reference to the bookmark or (if you chose the second option) a
StyleRef field that refers to the style you used.

I prefer the StyleRef option, mainly because it's quicker to select the "1a"
characters when updating without having to worry about inadvertently
grabbing the bookmark. See "StyleRef" in Word's Help for more info.

For a practical example of the latter, which also includes the print date,
take a look at the header in some notes on the way I use Word for the Mac,
titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free download from
the Word MVPs' website

If what you see in the "Bend Word to Your Will" header suits you, you could
copy it into the header in your thesis. You'll need to create the style and
nominate it via StyleRef, of course, but the rest would be done. (Or you
could copy the "March 2007 edition" paragraph on the front page of "Bend
Word to Your Will", paste it on your front page and change "March 2007
edition" to your preferred version numbering.)

I work on very long strategic plans that go to many collaborators, so my
version control needs to cope with multiple versions on any one day,
compared with which your needs are simple, but I haven't found a better
system so far than manually updating the front page, whether version "1",
"1a" or "1a1" (my level of subdivision). And not the least useful part is
that backup of each successive version is very easy (and, therefore,
retrieving -- which I quite often need to do).

So, you see, and alluding to the title of your thread, this isn't an "issue"
(the most over-used word on the planet this year; do a Find in your thesis
and replace "issue" with any of the many words that it has rapaciously, like
a feral weed, invaded... ;-)


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from North America and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
* SUGGESTION -- KEEP REVISITING AFTER YOU POST: If you post a question, keep
re-visiting the newsgroup for several days after the first response comes
in. Sometimes it takes a few responses before the best or complete solution
is provided; sometimes you'll be asked for further information. Good tips
about getting the best out of posting are at and (if you use Safari you may see a
blank page and have to hit the circular arrow icon -- "Reload the current
page" -- two or more times).

Elliott Roper

Yep, It is safer to do manual versioning in many circumstances. Date
fields can be slippery animals.
Another of my tricks (well I nicked it off somebody else in this group
a while ago) is to assign a keystroke to a macro which inserts a date
time, and immediately turns it into text, so it won't sneak off and
change itself as soon as I stop watching it carefully.
It also gives me a chance to bludgeon the date and time picture into my
preferred format.
So I assigned ctrl-opt-D to this:
Sub InsDateTime()
' InsDateTime Macro
' Macro recorded 1-Feb-07 by Elliott Roper
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty,
Text:= _
"TIME \@ ""HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy""", PreserveFormatting:=True
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End Sub

Watch the wrapping. The longer lines end in
wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _

PS. I'm with Clive on the issues issue.

Clive Huggan said:
This advice is for Word 2004 for Macintosh. Just in case you got here
by mistake or are using an earlier version.

Go to Word help, and search for one of SaveDate PrintDate or CreateDate
fields and their uncles, aunts and friends.

I think you might be satisfied by a PrintDate in the footer, but I have
no idea how you are working. SaveDate might make more sense for

Dear [whoever],

If you mainly print out (hard copy or PDF) and would therefore be satisfied
with the date being put in the footer, I agree with Elliott -- just put a
PrintDate in the footer.

If not, then you will be much better off using a manually applied version
number (note: this has nothing to do with Word's "versioning" feature --
there be Dark Evil Things) as your principal indicator, reinforced with
PrintDate if you wish.

There are two methods, both involving your typing "version 1a" (or whatever)
on the front page.

The first option is to bookmark "version 1a" then in the header, insert a
cross-reference to the bookmark.

The second option is to apply a style to the paragraph in which you have
typed "version 1a" and ensure the text is the first on that page to which
you have applied that style.

Next, in the header, you insert either (if you chose the first option) a
cross-reference to the bookmark or (if you chose the second option) a
StyleRef field that refers to the style you used.

I prefer the StyleRef option, mainly because it's quicker to select the "1a"
characters when updating without having to worry about inadvertently
grabbing the bookmark. See "StyleRef" in Word's Help for more info.

For a practical example of the latter, which also includes the print date,
take a look at the header in some notes on the way I use Word for the Mac,
titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free download from
the Word MVPs' website

If what you see in the "Bend Word to Your Will" header suits you, you could
copy it into the header in your thesis. You'll need to create the style and
nominate it via StyleRef, of course, but the rest would be done. (Or you
could copy the "March 2007 edition" paragraph on the front page of "Bend
Word to Your Will", paste it on your front page and change "March 2007
edition" to your preferred version numbering.)

I work on very long strategic plans that go to many collaborators, so my
version control needs to cope with multiple versions on any one day,
compared with which your needs are simple, but I haven't found a better
system so far than manually updating the front page, whether version "1",
"1a" or "1a1" (my level of subdivision). And not the least useful part is
that backup of each successive version is very easy (and, therefore,
retrieving -- which I quite often need to do).

So, you see, and alluding to the title of your thread, this isn't an "issue"
(the most over-used word on the planet this year; do a Find in your thesis
and replace "issue" with any of the many words that it has rapaciously, like
a feral weed, invaded... ;-)

I still have issues with top posting.

Clive Huggan

Thanks, Elliott! Quicker and more reliable than doing it via


Yep, It is safer to do manual versioning in many circumstances. Date
fields can be slippery animals.
Another of my tricks (well I nicked it off somebody else in this group
a while ago) is to assign a keystroke to a macro which inserts a date
time, and immediately turns it into text, so it won't sneak off and
change itself as soon as I stop watching it carefully.
It also gives me a chance to bludgeon the date and time picture into my
preferred format.
So I assigned ctrl-opt-D to this:
Sub InsDateTime()
' InsDateTime Macro
' Macro recorded 1-Feb-07 by Elliott Roper
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty,
Text:= _
"TIME \@ ""HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy""", PreserveFormatting:=True
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End Sub

Watch the wrapping. The longer lines end in
wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _

PS. I'm with Clive on the issues issue.

Clive Huggan said:
How do I insert date and time so that it is visible when a page is
printed? I am creating multiple revisions of my thesis and need to
keep track.
This advice is for Word 2004 for Macintosh. Just in case you got here
by mistake or are using an earlier version.

Go to Word help, and search for one of SaveDate PrintDate or CreateDate
fields and their uncles, aunts and friends.

I think you might be satisfied by a PrintDate in the footer, but I have
no idea how you are working. SaveDate might make more sense for

Dear [whoever],

If you mainly print out (hard copy or PDF) and would therefore be satisfied
with the date being put in the footer, I agree with Elliott -- just put a
PrintDate in the footer.

If not, then you will be much better off using a manually applied version
number (note: this has nothing to do with Word's "versioning" feature --
there be Dark Evil Things) as your principal indicator, reinforced with
PrintDate if you wish.

There are two methods, both involving your typing "version 1a" (or whatever)
on the front page.

The first option is to bookmark "version 1a" then in the header, insert a
cross-reference to the bookmark.

The second option is to apply a style to the paragraph in which you have
typed "version 1a" and ensure the text is the first on that page to which
you have applied that style.

Next, in the header, you insert either (if you chose the first option) a
cross-reference to the bookmark or (if you chose the second option) a
StyleRef field that refers to the style you used.

I prefer the StyleRef option, mainly because it's quicker to select the "1a"
characters when updating without having to worry about inadvertently
grabbing the bookmark. See "StyleRef" in Word's Help for more info.

For a practical example of the latter, which also includes the print date,
take a look at the header in some notes on the way I use Word for the Mac,
titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free download from
the Word MVPs' website

If what you see in the "Bend Word to Your Will" header suits you, you could
copy it into the header in your thesis. You'll need to create the style and
nominate it via StyleRef, of course, but the rest would be done. (Or you
could copy the "March 2007 edition" paragraph on the front page of "Bend
Word to Your Will", paste it on your front page and change "March 2007
edition" to your preferred version numbering.)

I work on very long strategic plans that go to many collaborators, so my
version control needs to cope with multiple versions on any one day,
compared with which your needs are simple, but I haven't found a better
system so far than manually updating the front page, whether version "1",
"1a" or "1a1" (my level of subdivision). And not the least useful part is
that backup of each successive version is very easy (and, therefore,
retrieving -- which I quite often need to do).

So, you see, and alluding to the title of your thread, this isn't an "issue"
(the most over-used word on the planet this year; do a Find in your thesis
and replace "issue" with any of the many words that it has rapaciously, like
a feral weed, invaded... ;-)

I still have issues with top posting.

I'm now catatonically indifferent [top/bot posting, not the issues issue] --
since I discovered that in Entourage, holding down the spacebar scrolls you
down to the bottom. :-|


My workflow is to insert Date field and prevent if from updating by
selecting the field from contextual menu (ctrl+mouse click) select
toggle fields codes and add \! at the end of the field to prevent it
from updating. So the field look like {DATE \!} then selecting it and
saying again toggle fields codes and you will have a date which will
not update.
But inserting manually as stated previously might be easier

Thanks, Elliott! Quicker and more reliable than doing it via


Yep, It is safer to do manual versioning in many circumstances. Date
fields can be slippery animals.
Another of my tricks (well I nicked it off somebody else in this group
a while ago) is to assign a keystroke to a macro which inserts a date
time, and immediately turns it into text, so it won't sneak off and
change itself as soon as I stop watching it carefully.
It also gives me a chance to bludgeon the date and time picture into my
preferred format.
So I assigned ctrl-opt-D to this:
Sub InsDateTime()
' InsDateTime Macro
' Macro recorded 1-Feb-07 by Elliott Roper
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty,
Text:= _
"TIME \@ ""HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy""", PreserveFormatting:=True
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End Sub
Watch the wrapping. The longer lines end in
wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _
PS. I'm with Clive on the issues issue.

On 8/8/07 7:39 AM, in article 070820072239367495%[email protected], "Elliott
How do I insert date and time so that it is visible when a page is
printed? I am creating multiple revisions of my thesis and need to
keep track.
This advice is for Word 2004 for Macintosh. Just in case you got here
by mistake or are using an earlier version.
Go to Word help, and search for one of SaveDate PrintDate or CreateDate
fields and their uncles, aunts and friends.
I think you might be satisfied by a PrintDate in the footer, but I have
no idea how you are working. SaveDate might make more sense for
Dear [whoever],
If you mainly print out (hard copy or PDF) and would therefore be satisfied
with the date being put in the footer, I agree with Elliott -- just put a
PrintDate in the footer.
If not, then you will be much better off using a manually applied version
number (note: this has nothing to do with Word's "versioning" feature --
there be Dark Evil Things) as your principal indicator, reinforced with
PrintDate if you wish.
There are two methods, both involving your typing "version 1a" (or whatever)
on the front page.
The first option is to bookmark "version 1a" then in the header, insert a
cross-reference to the bookmark.
The second option is to apply a style to the paragraph in which you have
typed "version 1a" and ensure the text is the first on that page to which
you have applied that style.
Next, in the header, you insert either (if you chose the first option) a
cross-reference to the bookmark or (if you chose the second option) a
StyleRef field that refers to the style you used.
I prefer the StyleRef option, mainly because it's quicker to select the "1a"
characters when updating without having to worry about inadvertently
grabbing the bookmark. See "StyleRef" in Word's Help for more info.
For a practical example of the latter, which also includes the print date,
take a look at the header in some notes on the way I use Word for the Mac,
titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free download from
the Word MVPs' website
If what you see in the "Bend Word to Your Will" header suits you, you could
copy it into the header in your thesis. You'll need to create the style and
nominate it via StyleRef, of course, but the rest would be done. (Or you
could copy the "March 2007 edition" paragraph on the front page of "Bend
Word to Your Will", paste it on your front page and change "March 2007
edition" to your preferred version numbering.)
I work on very long strategic plans that go to many collaborators, so my
version control needs to cope with multiple versions on any one day,
compared with which your needs are simple, but I haven't found a better
system so far than manually updating the front page, whether version "1",
"1a" or "1a1" (my level of subdivision). And not the least useful part is
that backup of each successive version is very easy (and, therefore,
retrieving -- which I quite often need to do).
So, you see, and alluding to the title of your thread, this isn't an "issue"
(the most over-used word on the planet this year; do a Find in your thesis
and replace "issue" with any of the many words that it has rapaciously, like
a feral weed, invaded... ;-)
I still have issues with top posting.

I'm now catatonically indifferent [top/bot posting, not the issues issue] --
since I discovered that in Entourage, holding down the spacebar scrolls you
down to the bottom. :-|

Peter Jamieson

I imagine this topic has been explored exhaustively over the years, but...

If you have autocomplete switched on you could define an autotext entry
called "2day" (well, that works in English anyway :) ) with e.g.

{ DATE \@"DD-MMM-YYYY" \! }

as the autotext, replacing DD-MMM-YYYY by the format you wantThen type 2day,
wait for Word to recognise it - probably reasonably quick f you use it
enough) , and press Enter when the tip appears. However, in Windows WOrd
2007 autocomplete seems to have been deprecated except for a bizarre
month/complete date thing that doesn't seem to work well anyway, and I guess
that same approach may appear in a version of Word near you RSN.

So maybe instead you could use autocorrect, select and edit|copy the same
field code, set up 2day as the text to be corrected, specify that you want
the rich text version. Then type 2day<space> and just keep typing.

Peter Jamieson

little_creature said:
My workflow is to insert Date field and prevent if from updating by
selecting the field from contextual menu (ctrl+mouse click) select
toggle fields codes and add \! at the end of the field to prevent it
from updating. So the field look like {DATE \!} then selecting it and
saying again toggle fields codes and you will have a date which will
not update.
But inserting manually as stated previously might be easier

Thanks, Elliott! Quicker and more reliable than doing it via


Yep, It is safer to do manual versioning in many circumstances. Date
fields can be slippery animals.
Another of my tricks (well I nicked it off somebody else in this group
a while ago) is to assign a keystroke to a macro which inserts a date
time, and immediately turns it into text, so it won't sneak off and
change itself as soon as I stop watching it carefully.
It also gives me a chance to bludgeon the date and time picture into my
preferred format.
So I assigned ctrl-opt-D to this:
Sub InsDateTime()
' InsDateTime Macro
' Macro recorded 1-Feb-07 by Elliott Roper
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty,
Text:= _
"TIME \@ ""HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy""", PreserveFormatting:=True
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End Sub
Watch the wrapping. The longer lines end in
wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _
PS. I'm with Clive on the issues issue.

On 8/8/07 7:39 AM, in article 070820072239367495%[email protected],
How do I insert date and time so that it is visible when a page is
printed? I am creating multiple revisions of my thesis and need to
keep track.
This advice is for Word 2004 for Macintosh. Just in case you got here
by mistake or are using an earlier version.
Go to Word help, and search for one of SaveDate PrintDate or
fields and their uncles, aunts and friends.
I think you might be satisfied by a PrintDate in the footer, but I
no idea how you are working. SaveDate might make more sense for
Dear [whoever],
If you mainly print out (hard copy or PDF) and would therefore be
with the date being put in the footer, I agree with Elliott -- just
put a
PrintDate in the footer.
If not, then you will be much better off using a manually applied
number (note: this has nothing to do with Word's "versioning"
feature --
there be Dark Evil Things) as your principal indicator, reinforced
PrintDate if you wish.
There are two methods, both involving your typing "version 1a" (or
on the front page.
The first option is to bookmark "version 1a" then in the header,
insert a
cross-reference to the bookmark.
The second option is to apply a style to the paragraph in which you
typed "version 1a" and ensure the text is the first on that page to
you have applied that style.
Next, in the header, you insert either (if you chose the first option)
cross-reference to the bookmark or (if you chose the second option) a
StyleRef field that refers to the style you used.
I prefer the StyleRef option, mainly because it's quicker to select
the "1a"
characters when updating without having to worry about inadvertently
grabbing the bookmark. See "StyleRef" in Word's Help for more info.
For a practical example of the latter, which also includes the print
take a look at the header in some notes on the way I use Word for the
titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available as a free
download from
the Word MVPs' website
If what you see in the "Bend Word to Your Will" header suits you, you
copy it into the header in your thesis. You'll need to create the
style and
nominate it via StyleRef, of course, but the rest would be done. (Or
could copy the "March 2007 edition" paragraph on the front page of
Word to Your Will", paste it on your front page and change "March 2007
edition" to your preferred version numbering.)
I work on very long strategic plans that go to many collaborators, so
version control needs to cope with multiple versions on any one day,
compared with which your needs are simple, but I haven't found a
system so far than manually updating the front page, whether version
"1a" or "1a1" (my level of subdivision). And not the least useful part
that backup of each successive version is very easy (and, therefore,
retrieving -- which I quite often need to do).
So, you see, and alluding to the title of your thread, this isn't an
(the most over-used word on the planet this year; do a Find in your
and replace "issue" with any of the many words that it has
rapaciously, like
a feral weed, invaded... ;-)
I still have issues with top posting.

I'm now catatonically indifferent [top/bot posting, not the issues
issue] --
since I discovered that in Entourage, holding down the spacebar scrolls
down to the bottom. :-|

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