Bob Butterfield

When I insert the excel spredsheet into my word document it expands and
throws all the margins off.

How can I insert the excel spredsheet into word at a reduced size, like
75-80%? I know that it will probably be unreadable but it's just eye candy.

Graham Mayor

Either insert it as an object or copy and edit > paste special > as s
Both will have handles that you can use to drag the image smaller.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


The previous post is from a Word genious far superior to my talents-- so this
is to enhance, rather than disagree with the previous answer. Try this:
Select the part of your Exel worksheet you want to appear in your Word doc,
then use Edit>Paste Special, and then choose one of the "picture" options
("Windows" or "Enhanced") to have an image of the table you want to see in
the document. You then treat it as you would a typical picture. Your grid
lines will not appear and it will be clean. The bitmap option will work but
is not as clean. You can also opt to Paste Special and choose "Insert as an
excel spreadsheet" which will allow you to double-clk and change the values
(clicking outside the sheet to exit back to the document). The latter is not
a live-link, so your original excel remains unchanged. This option also lets
you size the table with handles but comes with the added benefit of
flexibility should you need to make a simple change (ie. you don't have to
copy and paste again).


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