Insert extra columns



Is there any way that one can insert extra columns in
Excel? I need about 500 columns whereas Excel only has

David McRitchie

Hi Alan,
You cannot exceed 255 columns that is a specification limit.

For this and other specification limits see
HELP (or F1) --> Index (tab) --> specification

There are other spreadsheet packages that do handle more
columns, but they aren't Excel.

In Excel you would have to use two spreadsheets.

If you do not currently have more than 255 rows and never intend to
you can transpose the rows and columns. It probably won't look
very good as you most likely have your long descriptions in column
A of the rows, but it would provide a means of keeping your data
in a spreadsheet if you will never need to exceed 255 columns
once the data has been transposed. See TRANSPOSE in help.

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