Insert extra writing space tool



I have been using OneNote for a few weeks now with a tablet pc. I love it.
One thing though drives me crazy. I keep the rule lines visible so that I can
write straight. All is OK until I need to insert extra writing space, at
which point: 1. all lines below the insertion are no longer alligned with the
rule lines and quite frankly it does not look good; 2. More importantly, when
I start writing in the newly created area with the extra writing space, the
height of the raws (I always keep the show ink groups option on) is changed
(either higher or narrowers) and several times new containers are created.
This is really frustrating and screws up all my notes.

To be able to insert extra writing space is great, but it would be nice if
in the process worked I doing something wrong? I even traying
to insert extra space equal to an exact number of raws, but it did not help
at all.

I would appreciate some help. Thanks,


I had the same problem this week, for some reason, the 'note' doesn't shift
to the next page and not only the problem that you mention occurs, but also
'overlays' occur which really sucks when you're trying to figure out what you
wrote. The overlays were a handwritten note overlaying a 'snipped' item of
information from another program I use. I tried moving them and all havoc
broke loose on the note so I found myself using 'undo' a lot. This section
of the program should be addressed in Service Pack 2, if one is issued along
with my other complaint about using other versions of Word than 2003 or

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