Try inserting the .swf file instead of the .exe file.
The .exe file contains the Macromedia Flash player which
is used to view the flash file. That's why you get the
PowerPoint and save it as an .PPS file without getting the
warning message about dangers opening the file etc...
screen - with no messages about the embedded .exe file.
that application or resources. Thanks, in advance, for you
The .exe file contains the Macromedia Flash player which
is used to view the flash file. That's why you get the
to figure out how to insert a Flash .exe file into-----Original Message-----
I am running Windows XP with PowerPoint 2002. I am trying
PowerPoint and save it as an .PPS file without getting the
warning message about dangers opening the file etc...
file. When I opened the file, a Flash movie played, fullI received an email from someone with an attached .pps
screen - with no messages about the embedded .exe file.
Someone mentioned using Visual Basic - but I don't haveCan anyone shed some light on how this can be done?
that application or resources. Thanks, in advance, for you