When I insert 'Hidden Text' in Word 2008 (Mac), I am getting booted
out to the start of a document. This regularly happens. I use command-
shift-H, which triggers the boot. What seems to prevent the action is
showing paragraphs (command-shift-J). Then I can proceed as normal.
But I shouldn't have to do this work-around.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
I tried it in a Test user log-in, and got the same result, so I can't
say that it's peculiar to some short-cut in my log-in preferences
system wide, nor does this combo of keys do anything else, except in
Safari, where (oddly) it causes Safari to load my home page in google.
not sure why or if that's connected (doubt it).
out to the start of a document. This regularly happens. I use command-
shift-H, which triggers the boot. What seems to prevent the action is
showing paragraphs (command-shift-J). Then I can proceed as normal.
But I shouldn't have to do this work-around.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
I tried it in a Test user log-in, and got the same result, so I can't
say that it's peculiar to some short-cut in my log-in preferences
system wide, nor does this combo of keys do anything else, except in
Safari, where (oddly) it causes Safari to load my home page in google.
not sure why or if that's connected (doubt it).