Insert Images Using Conditional Format (Many)


Mike Garcia


I am quite new into VBA, and I need some help from knowledgeable users.

My Question, before I start explaining is:
¿How can I insert multiple conditional images in the same spreadsheet, that
react to the value in different cells?

I have a small Excel File, used to compare different features between two
products, in two columns. You pick the product in a Validated Cell (drop down
box) on the top of the column, and all the information about that product is
filled down using conditional formatting. I inserted function to also display
a pic of the product in that column, using the code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim oPic As Picture
Me.Pictures.Visible = False
With Range("B8")
For Each oPic In Me.Pictures
If oPic.Name = .Text Then
oPic.Visible = True
oPic.Top = .Top
oPic.Left = .Left
Exit For
End If
Next oPic
End With
End Sub

It worked quite well with one image...But, when I tried to apply the a
second code for the second product column in the same Sheet, I found out that
the first code (Set to Me.Pictures.Visible=False) hid the pictures that the
second code attempted to display. (Or that is my guess).

¿How can I insert multiple conditional images in the same spreadsheet, that
react to the value in different cells?

¡Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Gord Dibben

Looks to me like the posted code is from John's lookuppics.xls which allows for
only one image.

Here is a third option.

Got to Debra Dalgeish's site for a sample workbook from Bernie Dietrick for
adding pictures via selections.

Allows for more than one picture to be displayed on a sheet.

DV0049 - ClipArt Selection

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Mike Garcia

Before anything else, please let me thank Ron and Gord for their incredibly
quick response, both were incredibly helpful.

As a matter of fact, I need to include the pictures inside the file since it
will work as a tool for our salesforce, so we have to send just one file
without too many instructions...

I will try Bernie Dietrick's file, as it lets add many images, and display
them conditionally at the same time. Thanks again for all the resources

Have a great week!

Gord Dibben


With Bernie's method the images are inserted into and saved with the workbook.

Just insert them into an out of the way area in the worksheet from where they
will be called up in response to the conditions.


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